On this page, you find the full wrestling profile of Stone Cold Steve Austin, with his Career History, real name, age, height and weight, the Promotions he worked for, all the Face/Heel turns, the Championship Titles he won, his Finishers, Theme Songs, Tag Teams and Stables, his appearance changes through the years, and more.
Steve Austin (born Steven James Anderson, later Steven James Williams) was born in Austin, Texas on December 18, 1964, and he is currently 60 years old.
Stone Cold Steve Austin was inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009 as an individual and in the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame (PWHF) in 2016 as part of the Modern Era wing.
Stone Cold Steve Austin Profile Index
Profile Info
- Gender Male
- Real Name Steve Austin (born Steven James Anderson, later Steven James Williams)
- Ring Names
- Stone Cold Steve Austin ( March 11, 1996 - Present)
- The Ringmaster ( December 18, 1995 - March 10, 1996)
- "Superstar" Steve Austin ( September 18, 1995 - December 19, 1995)
- "Stunning" Steve Austin ( November 5, 1993 - September 17, 1995)
- Stunning Steve ( April 18, 1992 - November 4, 1993)
- "Stunning" Steve Austin ( May 13, 1991 - April 17, 1992)
- Steve Austin ( October 28, 1989 - May 12, 1991)
- Steve Williams ( September 30, 1989 - October 27, 1989)
- Born December 18, 1964 (age 60)
- Nationality
United States
- Birth Place Austin, Texas
- Billed From
- Victoria, Texas
- Height 6 ft 2 in (188 cm)
- Weight
- 252 lbs (114 kg)
- Nicknames Stone Cold; The Texas Rattlesnake; Toughest Son of a Bitch in the WWF/E; Stunning; Superstar
Career History
- Part Time Wrestler ( April 2, 2022 - April 2, 2022)
- Actor ( May 27, 2005 - July 24, 2015)
- General Manager ( April 29, 2003 - November 16, 2003)
- Wrestler ( September 30, 1989 - March 30, 2003)
Promotions History
Promotion from to Promotion WWEBrand Raw
April 1, 2002 April 17, 2004 Promotion WWF
December 18, 1995 March 31, 2002 Promotion ECW
July 1, 1995 December 9, 1995 Promotion NJPWBrand Heavyweight
May 25, 1995 June 14, 1995 Promotion WCW
May 13, 1991 May 21, 1995 Promotion WCWA
September 21, 1990 November 17, 1990 -
Images History
Apr 2022Jan 1998Mar 1997Jan 1996Jul 1995Jan 1993May 1991Sep 1989 -
Face / Heel Turns
Alignment from to Face November 19, 2001 November 16, 2003 Heel July 22, 2001 November 18, 2001 Face July 16, 2001 July 21, 2001 Heel April 1, 2001 July 15, 2001 Face March 23, 1997 March 31, 2001 Heel January 8, 1996 March 22, 1997 Face July 1, 1995 January 7, 1996 Heel May 13, 1991 June 30, 1995 -
Card Positions
Status Details from to RAW Upper Card February 23, 2003 March 30, 2003 RAW Inactive Walked out June 10, 2002 February 22, 2003 RAW Upper Card September 24, 2000 June 9, 2002 WWE Inactive Neck surgery November 14, 1999 September 23, 2000 WWE Upper Card November 9, 1997 November 13, 1999 WWE Injured Bruised spinal cord August 4, 1997 November 8, 1997 WWE Upper Card June 23, 1996 August 3, 1997 WWE Mid Card December 18, 1995 June 22, 1996 ECW Upper Card September 18, 1995 December 9, 1995 ECW Injured Torn triceps June 15, 1995 September 17, 1995 NJPW Mid Card February 3, 1995 June 14, 1995 WCW Injured Knee injury November 16, 1994 February 2, 1995 WCW Mid Card May 13, 1991 November 15, 1994
- Stone Cold Stunner - Stunner ( March 10, 1996 - Present)
- Million Dollar Dream - Cobra Clutch ( December 18, 1995 - March 9, 1996)
- Stun Gun - Flapjack into a Hangman ( May 13, 1991 - December 9, 1995)
Theme Songs
- Theme Song "I Won't Do What You Tell Me" by Jim Johnston - Single ( December 3, 2001 - Present)
- Theme Song "Venomous" by Jim Johnston - Single ( August 6, 2001 - November 29, 2001)
- Theme Song "Paranoid" by Jim Johnston - Single ( July 30, 2001 - August 2, 2001)
- Theme Song "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed - Single ( September 24, 2000 - July 22, 2001)
- Theme Song "I Won't Do What You Tell Me" by Jim Johnston - Single ( October 12, 1998 - September 7, 2000)
- Theme Song "Hell Frozen Over" by Jim Johnston - Single ( October 20, 1996 - October 11, 1998)
- Theme Song "Ringmaster" by Jim Johnston - Single ( January 8, 1996 - October 19, 1996)
- Theme Song "Jesus Christ Superstar" - Single ( July 1, 1995 - December 9, 1995)
- Theme Song "Satan's Sister" - Single ( November 5, 1993 - May 21, 1995)
- Theme Song "A Roman Love" - Single ( May 13, 1991 - November 4, 1993)
- Theme Song "Runnin' with the Devil" by Van Halen - Single ( September 30, 1989 - May 3, 1991)
Titles & Accomplishments
Halls of Fame
- WWE Hall of Fame - Year 2009, Individual
- Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame (PWHF) - Year 2016, Modern Era
World Wrestling Entertainment
- 6 WWF Championship
- 2 WWF Intercontinental Championship
- 4 WWF Tag Team Championship (1 with Triple H, 1 with The Undertaker, 1 with Mick Foley, 1 with Shawn Michaels)
- 1 WWF King of the Ring (1996)
- 3 WWF Royal Rumble (1997, 1998, 2001)
- 1 Million Dollar Championship
World Championship Wrestling
World Championship Wrestling & National Wrestling Alliance
- 2 WCW World Television Championship
- 1 WCW World Tag Team Championship (with Brian Pillman)
- 1 NWA World Tag Team Championship (with Brian Pillman)
Other Accomplishments
- Undisputed WWF Championship #1 Contenders Tournament Winner (2002)
- WWE Triple Crown Champion
- WWF Slammy Award - Freedom of Speech (1997)
- WWE Slammy Award - Best Original WWE Network Show (2015 - Stone Cold Podcast)
- Cauliflower Alley Club's Iron Mike Mazurki Award (2012)
- PWI Wrestler of the Year (1998, 1999, 2001)
- PWI Feud of the Year (1998, 1999 - vs. Vince McMahon)
- PWI Match of the Year (1997 - vs. Bret Hart, Submission match at WrestleMania 13)
- PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year (2001)
- PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year (1998)
- PWI Rookie of the Year (1990)
- PWI Stanley Weston Award (2019)
- 1° in the PWI 500 (1998)
- 19° in the PWI Years Top 500 (2003)
- Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame induction (class of 2000)
- WON Wrestler of the Year (1998)
- WON Best Box Office Draw (1998, 1999)
- WON Best Brawler (2001)
- WON Best Gimmick (1997, 1998)
- WON Best Heel (1996)
- WON Tag Team of the Year (1993 - with Brian Pillman)
- WON Best on Interviews (1996–1998, 2001)
- WON Best Non-Wrestler (2003)
- WON Feud of the Year (1997 - vs. The Hart Foundation; 1998, 1999 - vs. Vince McMahon)
- WON Match of the Year (1997 - vs. Bret Hart, Submission match at WrestleMania 13)
- WON Most Charismatic (1997, 1998)
- WON Rookie of the Year (1990)
- Teen Choice Awards's Choice Pro Wrestler Winner (1999)
Teams & Relations
Tag Teams & Stables
- The Alliance - Adam Bomb / Bryan Clark / Wrath, Bill DeMott / Hugh Morrus, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley / Bully Ray, Buff Bagwell, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Kanyon, Christian Cage, Chuck Palumbo, Crush / Brian Adams, D-Von Dudley, Debra, Diamond Dallas Page, Gregory Helms / The Hurricane, Ivory, Jazz, Justin Credible, Kurt Angle, Lance Storm, Mark Jindrak / Marco Corleone, Mike Awesome, Molly Holly, Paul Heyman, Raven, Rhyno / Rhino, Rob Van Dam, Sean O'Haire, Shane McMahon, Shawn Stasiak, Stacy Keibler, Stephanie McMahon, Stevie Richards, Tazz, Terri Runnels, Test, Tommy Dreamer, Torrie Wilson, William Regal, Charles Robinson, Nick Patrick, Arn Anderson, Brian Hebner, Billy Silverman ( July 22, 2001 - November 18, 2001)
- The Power Trip - Triple H ( April 2, 2001 - May 21, 2001)
- The Stud Stable - Arn Anderson, Colonel Robert Parker, Demolition Smash, Haku / Meng, Terry Funk , Bunkhouse Buck, Dick Slater ( September 1, 1993 - April 17, 1994)
- The Hollywood Blonds - Brian Pillman ( January 2, 1993 - October 30, 1993)
- The Dangerous Alliance - Alundra Blayze / Madusa, Arn Anderson, Larry Zbyszko, Paul Heyman, Rick Rude, Bobby Eaton ( November 20, 1991 - October 25, 1992)
- Managers
Stone Cold Steve Austin Games Appearances (48)
WWE Main Series (23/25)

WWE 2K25

WWE 2K24

WWE 2K23

WWE 2K22

WWE 2K20

WWE 2K19

WWE 2K18

WWE 2K17

WWE 2K16

WWE 2K15

WWE 2K14

WWE '13

WWE '12

SVR 2011

SVR 2010

SVR 2008

SVR 2007

SVR 2006

Here Comes The Pain

Shut Your Mouth

Just Bring It

Know Your Role
