- Promotion
World Wrestling Federation
- Game Series WWE Games
- Release Date February 21, 2001
- Platforms PC Windows
- Publisher THQ
- Developer Genetic Anomalies Inc
WWF/E With Authority! is an online strategy card game, developed by Genetic Anomalies and published by THQ, which was released in 2001.
Cards Details
- The First Edition set provides 196 cards.
- The No Way Out set provides 145 additional cards.
- The WrestleMania X8 set provides 25 additional cards.
- The TLC set provides 160 additional cards.
- The Second Edition set provides 250 additional cards.
- The SummerSlam 2002 set provides 25 additional cards.
- The Unforgiven set provides 200 additional cards.
- An 8th expansion was set to add around 150 more cards, but it was never released.
- In total, there are 1,001 released cards in the game.
WWE With Authority Roster - Playable Superstars
- Al Snow
- The Big Show (also comes with a 2002 version) [Original version has a Limited Edition variant]
- Booker T [comes with Limited Edition variant]
- Bradshaw
- Brock Lesnar
- Bubba Ray Dudley [comes with Limited Edition variant]
- Chris Benoit (also comes with a 2002 version)
- Chris Jericho (also comes with Promotional, and 2002 versions)
- Christian
- D-Von Dudley
- Eddie Guerrero (also comes with a 2002 version) [Original version has a Limited Edition variant]
- Edge (also comes with a 2002 version)
- Goldust
- Hollywood Hulk Hogan
- Hulk Hogan [comes with Limited Edition variant]
- The Hurricane [comes with Limited Edition variant]
- Jeff Hardy [comes with Limited Edition variant]
- Kane (also comes with a 2002 version)
- Kevin Nash
- Kurt Angle (also comes with a 2002 version)
- Lance Storm
- Lita (also comes with a 2002 version)
- Matt Hardy
- The Mean Street Posse (Joey Abs, Pete Gas, and Rodney)
- Rey Mysterio
- Ric Flair [comes with Limited Edition variant]
- Rikishi Phatu
- Rob Van Dam [comes with Limited Edition variant]
- The Rock (also comes with a 2002 version) ['02 version has a Limited Edition variant]
- Scott Hall
- Scotty 2 Hotty
- Shane McMahon
- Shawn Michaels
- Spike Dudley
- Steve Blackman
- Stone Cold [comes with Limited Edition variant]
- Tajiri
- Tazz
- Test [comes with Limited Edition variant]
- Triple H (also comes with Promotional, and 2002 versions)
- Trish Stratus [comes with Limited Edition variant]
- Undertaker (also comes with a 2002 version) [Original version has a Limited Edition variant]
- William Regal [Available via Retail CD]
- X-Pac
Momentum Pages
- Aggressive Agility
- Aggressive Strength
- Aggressive Strike
- Aggressive Technical
- Agility [2 variants]
- Alberta, Canada
- Dudleyville
- Great Balance
- Great Impact
- Great Leverage
- Great Power
- Great Strategy
- Hardcore
- Heat
- Knowledge [2 variants]
- No Way Out Rules Page
- Strength [2 variants]
- Strike [2 variants]
- Super Momentum
- Team Xtreme
- Technical [2 variants]
- Velocity
Moves Pages
- 2nd Rope Leg Drop [2 variants]
- 3D
- 619
- Abdominal Stretch [3 variants]
- Angle Slam [2 variants]
- Angle's Ankle Lock [3 variants]
- Angle's Moonsault [2 variants]
- Ankle Key Lock
- Arm Drag Counter
- Arm Drag Takedown [4 variants]
- Arm Stretch
- Armbar [2 variants]
- Armbar Takedown [2 variants]
- Asai Moonsault [4 variants]
- Atomic Drop
- Back Body Drop [2 variants]
- Back Body Drop to Ringside [2 variants]
- Back Breaker [2 variants]
- Back Elbow [3 variants]
- Back Heel Trip [2 variants]
- Back Rake
- Back Suplex [4 variants]
- Backflip Counter
- Backflip Splash
- Backslide
- Banzai Drop
- Baseball Slide [2 variants]
- Bear Hug
- Belly-to-Belly Suplex [2 variants]
- Belly-to-Belly To Ringside
- Big Back Body Drop
- Big Splash
- Blatant Choke
- Block
- Body Slam [5 variants]
- Body Vice
- Book End
- Booker T's Knee Drop
- Boston Crab
- Brainbuster Suplex
- Breakdown
- Bronco Buster
- Bubba Bomb
- Bubba's Back Splash
- Bulldog [2 variants]
- Camel Clutch [2 variants]
- Catch The Foot
- Chair Shot [2 variants]
- Chair To The Back [2 variants]
- Cheese Grater
- Choke In The Corner
- Choke Lift
- Choke On The Ropes [2 variants]
- Choke Slam
- Choke Slam To Hell [2 variants]
- Choke With Cord
- Chokeslam To Floor
- Chop [2 variants]
- Climb Out Of The Cage
- Climb The Ladder
- Clip [3 variants]
- Clothesline [4 variants]
- Clothesline From Hell
- Clothesline In The Corner
- Clothesline Over The Ropes [3 variants]
- Collar And Elbow Tieup
- Compactor
- Corner Barrage [2 variants]
- Corner Charge [2 variants]
- Corner Post Rack
- Corner Squash
- Cow Bell Shot
- Crippler Cross Face
- Cross Arm Breaker
- Crucifix Powerbomb
- Crucifix Roll-Up
- Curtain Call
- DDT [4 variants]
- Deathblow
- Dive To The Floor [3 variants]
- Diving Headbutt
- Dodge
- Double Back Breaker
- Double Leg Takedown [4 variants]
- Double Powerbomb
- Double Underhook Suplex [2 variants]
- Dragon Screw Leg Whip
- Dragon Sleeper
- Dragon Suplex
- Drop Kick [4 variants]
- Drop Kick To The Floor
- Drop Kick To The Knee
- Drop Onto The Barricade
- Drop The Hammer
- Drop Toe Hold
- Duck [2 variants]
- Dudley Dog
- Ear Clap
- Edge-cator
- Edgecution [2 variants]
- Edge-o-matic [2 variants]
- Elbow [2 variants]
- Elbow Drop [2 variants]
- Elbow On The Ring Apron [2 variants]
- Elbow to Back of the Head [4 variants]
- Elbow To The Kidneys
- Electric Chair
- Enzugiri [2 variants]
- Escape Through The Door
- European Uppercut [2 variants]
- Eye Of The Hurricane
- Eye Rake
- F5
- Face Plant
- Facebuster [2 variants]
- Fallaway Slam [2 variants]
- Figure Four [2 variants]
- Fire Extinguisher
- Fireman's Carry [2 variants]
- Fisherman's Suplex
- Fist Drop
- Five-Star Frog Splash
- Flat of the Foot [2 variants]
- Flip Clothesline
- Flip, Flop, and Fly
- Flip-Over Cover
- Flipping Face Slam
- Flying Armbar Takedown
- Flying Chair Shot
- Flying Clothesline
- Flying Elbow
- Flying Elbow Drop
- Flying Forearm
- Flying Head Scissors
- Flying Wheel Kick [3 variants]
- Foot On The Ropes
- Forearm Smash [2 variants]
- Frog Splash [2 variants]
- Front Facelock
- Front Heel Trip
- Fujiwara Armbar
- Full Nelson Slam
- Garbage Can Lid Shot
- Garbage Can Shot
- Gargoyle Suplex
- German Suplex [3 variants]
- Golden Globes
- Guitar Shot
- Gut Buster
- Gut Wrench Suplex [2 variants]
- Half Boston Crab
- Hammerlock [2 variants]
- Handspring Back Elbow
- Head Scissors
- Headbutt
- Headlock [2 variants]
- High Cross Body [2 variants]
- High Knee [2 variants]
- Hip Toss [4 variants]
- Hogan's Big Boot [2 variants]
- Hogan's Leg Drop [2 variants]
- Houston Hangover
- Hurricanrana [4 variants]
- Hurri-Chokeslam
- Inside Cradle [3 variants]
- Inside Crescent Kick
- Inverted Atomic Drop [4 variants]
- Jackknife Powerbomb
- Jawbreaker [2 variants]
- Jumping Bulldog
- Kendo Stick Shot
- Kick To Gut
- Kick To The Knee
- Kick To The Ribs
- Knee Breaker
- Knee Drop [3 variants]
- Knee Drop to Leg
- Knee Drop To The Face
- Knee Lift [4 variants]
- Knock Off The Turnbuckle
- La Magistral Cradle
- Ladder Shot
- Lariat [3 variants]
- Laying The Smack Down!
- Leapfrog
- Leaping Front Kick
- Leaping Side Kick
- Leg Drop [2 variants]
- Leg Grapevine [2 variants]
- Leg Sweep
- Lift Into Post
- Lionsault [2 variants]
- Litacanrana
- Lita's Moonsault
- Lita's Twist of Fate
- Lou Thesz Press
- Low Blow Chair Shot
- Low Blow Headbutt
- Low Blow Kick [2 variants]
- Low Blow Leg Drop
- Low Blow Mule Kick [2 variants]
- Low Blow Punch
- Low Blow Stomp
- Low Blow Uppercut [3 variants]
- MacTerminator
- Mafia Kick [2 variants]
- Missile Dropkick [3 variants]
- Monkey Flip
- Moonsault [2 variants]
- Mounted Punches
- Neck Vice [2 variants]
- Neckbreaker [4 variants]
- No Hands Plancha
- Northern Lights Suplex [2 variants]
- Old School [2 variants]
- One Arm Bulldog
- Overcast
- Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex [2 variants]
- Pedigree [2 variants]
- Piledriver
- Plancha [2 variants]
- Power Bomb [4 variants]
- Power Bomb From Ladder
- Power Slam [3 variants]
- Press Slam [3 variants]
- Pump Handle
- Pump Handle Slam
- Punch [3 variants]
- Punch the Chair
- Punches In The Corner [2 variants]
- Raise The Knees
- Rake On The Ropes
- Razor's Edge
- Regal Stretch
- Release German Suplex
- Release Spine Buster
- Reverse Chinlock [2 variants]
- Reverse DDT [2 variants]
- Ric Flair's Chop
- Ric Flair's Figure Four
- Rikishi Driver
- Ring Apron Leg Drop
- Ring Bell Shot
- Rock Bottom [2 variants]
- Rolling German Suplex
- Rolling Thunder
- Rollover Counter
- Roll-up
- Romero's Special
- Round Kick [3 variants]
- Run The Rails
- Running Chair Shot
- Running Clothesline
- Running Elbow
- Running Headbutt
- Running Ladder Shot
- Running Neckbreaker
- Running Powerslam [2 variants]
- Russian Leg Sweep [2 variants]
- Samoan Drop [2 variants]
- Schoolboy Roll-up
- Scissors Kick
- Senton Back Splash
- Senton Splash
- Set Up A Table
- Sharpshooter
- Shining Wizard
- Shooting Star Press
- Short Arm Clothesline
- Shoulder Block [3 variants]
- Shoulder Breaker
- Shoulder Thrusts In The Corner
- Shoulder To Midsection
- Shove [2 variants]
- Shove With Legs
- Showstopper Chokeslam [2 variants]
- Side Back Breaker [2 variants]
- Side Kick
- Side Suplex
- Sidewalk Slam [2 variants]
- Slam Into Announce Table [2 variants]
- Slap [2 variants]
- Sledgehammer Shot
- Sleeper
- Slingshot Into Post
- Slingshot Into The Cage
- Slingshot Into The Ropes
- Slingshot Leg Drop
- Slingshot Plancha
- Snake Eyes [2 variants]
- Snap Mare [3 variants]
- Snap Suplex
- Snow Plow
- Snow's Dragon Sleeper
- Solo Con-chair-to
- Spear [2 variants]
- Spine Breaker
- Spine Buster
- Spine Kick [2 variants]
- Spinning Elbow
- Spinning Heel Kick [3 variants]
- Spinning Powerbomb
- Spinning Powerslam
- Splash [2 variants]
- Split-Legged Moonsault
- Springboard Drop Kick
- Standing Side Headlock
- Standing Switch [2 variants]
- Step-Over Heel Kick
- Stiff Forearm Shot
- Stink Face
- Stomp
- Stomp A Mudhole
- Stomp In The Corner
- Stone Cold Stunner
- Storm's Thrust Kick
- Straight Jacket
- Straight Jacket Takedown
- Straight Right Hand
- Straight-Shooter
- Stratusfaction
- Stratusphere
- Strong Clothesline
- Sunset Flip
- Superplex [3 variants]
- Suplex From The Ladder
- Suplex Onto The Ropes
- Suplex To The Floor
- Surfboard
- Swandive Headbutt
- Swanton Bomb
- Sweet Chin Music
- Swinging Neckbreaker
- Taker Care Of Business
- Tarantula
- Tazzmission
- T-Bone Suplex
- Test Of Strength
- The Big Boot
- The Big Elbow
- The Final Cut
- The Guillotine
- The Last Ride [2 variants]
- The People's Elbow [2 variants]
- The Rock's DDT [2 variants]
- The Side Effect
- The Worm
- Throat Breaker
- Throw Into The Cage
- Throw Off The Stage
- Throw Over The Ropes
- Thrust Kick [3 variants]
- Thrust Uppercut
- Tiger Suplex
- Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker
- Tombstone Piledriver
- Too Big
- Top Rope Clothesline
- Top Rope Neckbreaker
- Torito
- Tornado DDT
- Trap In The Corner
- Trish's Roundhouse Kick
- Turnbuckle Smash [3 variants]
- Twist of Fate
- Unprettier
- Up and Over [2 variants]
- Van Daminator
- Vertical Suplex [5 variants]
- Victory Roll
- Walls of Jericho [2 variants]
- West Coast Pop
- Whip Into Corner Post
- Whip Into Steel Steps [3 variants]
- Whip Into The Corner
- Whisper In The Wind
- Wraparound Neckbreaker
- Wristlock
- X-Factor
Special Pages
- 150 Pounds of Toughness
- 24 Inch Pythons [2 variants]
- 4-Life
- Achilles' Heel [2 variants]
- Advantage: Experience
- Advantage: Impact
- Advantage: Power
- Advantage: Precision
- Advantage: Quickness
- Ahead of The Game
- Always Thinking
- Amazing Entrance
- Ambush
- Arrogant Cover
- Back It Up!
- Back-Up Plan
- Barbed Wire Two-by-Four
- Big and Nasty [2 variants]
- Big Dog In The Yard [2 variants]
- Blown Spot [2 variants]
- Boring [2 variants]
- Bounce Off The Ropes [2 variants]
- Brass Knuckles
- Break The Walls Down
- Break! [2 variants]
- Bubba Tough
- Building Momentum
- Busted Open
- Catch Him Stunned
- Christmas Chaos
- Control The Pace
- Crimson Mask
- Dead Man Walking
- Dirtiest Player In The Game
- Disadvantage
- Distract The Referee [2 variants]
- Don't Mess With Texas!
- Don't Trust Anybody [2 variants]
- Draw From the Fans
- Everything Hurts
- Expose The Turnbuckle
- Fall Brawl
- Flair Flip
- Flair Flop
- Get a Shoulder Up
- Get Illegal Leverage
- Going Up Top!
- Good Officiating!
- Got All Of It!
- Grab Ropes For Leverage
- Grab The Ropes [2 variants]
- Grab The Tights
- Guest Referee Stephanie McMahon
- Half-Brother Bubba Ray
- Half-Brother D-Von
- Hard To Stop [2 variants]
- Hardcore
- HBK!
- He Saw That Coming... [2 variants]
- Hellfire And Brimstone
- Hello!
- He's Calling For It! [2 variants]
- High Impact Move
- High Spot
- High-Flying Start
- Hook The Leg [4 variants]
- Hulk Up! [2 variants]
- I Got Your Back
- Immunity
- Improv
- In The Interest Of Fairness
- Insane Bump
- Integrity
- Intelligence
- Intensity
- Interview With Michael Cole
- Interview With The Coach
- Intimidate The Referee
- Irish Whip [2 variants]
- It Just Feels Right
- Just Another Victim
- Just Barely Cover
- Just Bring It! [2 variants]
- Kevin Nash
- Kip Up
- Knock Over The Ladder
- Land On Your Feet
- Latino Heat
- Lead Pipe
- Leaving The Ground
- Look Under The Ring
- Looking For Weakness [2 variants]
- M
- Mat Wrestling
- Misunderstanding
- Momentum Shift
- Move To Ringside
- New World Order
- No Chance In Hell!
- Numbers Game
- nWo Country [2 variants]
- O
- Off The Barricade
- Off The Top Of The Cage
- Off The Top Of The Ladder
- Once Too Often [2 variants]
- One Step Ahead [2 variants]
- Paul Heyman
- Pay The Price
- Pier Six Brawl
- Plead to the Referee
- Poison
- Pose [2 variants]
- Push The Pace
- Quickness
- R
- Rabid Wolverine
- RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff
- Ref Bump
- Referee Charles Robinson
- Referee Jack Doan
- Referee Jimmy Korderas
- Referee Mike Chioda
- Referee Nick Patrick
- Referee Teddy Long
- Referee Tim White
- Respect
- Ric Flair
- Ring Veteran [3 variants]
- Ruthless Aggression
- Senior Referee Earl Hebner
- Sensing Victory [2 variants]
- Set Up
- Set Up A Ladder
- Shane-o-Mac
- Shattered Dreams Production
- Shirts Off!
- Skin The Cat
- Snapped
- Spanish Announce Table [2 variants]
- Spinaroonie
- Stacy Keibler
- Steal Your Finisher [3 variants]
- Steel Folding Chair [2 variants]
- Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
- Steveweiser
- Stratusfaction Guaranteed!
- Stunning Blow
- Support From Lita
- Take A Breather
- Take It Outside
- Taking A Huge Chance
- Taking Punishment
- Target The Arm
- Taunt
- Tell Me You Didn't Just Say That?!
- Temper Tantrum
- Ten Count
- That Risk Didn't Pay Off
- That Was Three! [2 variants]
- That's Gotta Hurt!
- The APA
- The Brahma Bull!! [2 variants]
- The Fans Come Alive
- The Headliner!
- The Main Event
- The Next Big Thing
- The Rattlesnake!
- The Showstopper!
- The Un-Americans
- The Whole Dam Show
- There's a Hurricane Coming Through!
- Time To Play The Game
- To The Floor
- Too Far
- Tough Guy [2 variants]
- Trash Talking
- Tree Of Woe [2 variants]
- Trip
- Trish Stratus
- Two Finger Salute
- Vince McMahon [2 variants]
- W
- What Impact!
- What?
- Whatever It Takes
- Whooooooooooo!
- Will To Win [3 variants]
- With Authority! (No Way Out Release)
- With Authority! (One Year Anniversary)
- With Authority! (Second Edition Release)
- With Authority! (SummerSlam 2002)
- With Authority! (TLC Release)
- With Authority! (Unforgiven Release)
- With Authority! (WrestleMania X-8)
- With Authority! [4 variants]
- Work The Leg
- Working Stiff [2 variants]
- Howard Finkel (Ring Announcer)
- Jerry Lawler (Color Commentator)
- Jim Ross (Play-by-Play Commentator)