Today in Pro Wrestling History (September 6): Events, Births, Titles and more

Discover what happened today in pro wrestling history with our comprehensive list of events and milestones that took place on September 6.

This page provides a comprehensive list of notable occurrences, including PPV & Special Events, wrestler births and deaths, debuts, championships, title changes, and video game releases.

See all the significant events in the world of professional wrestling that happened on this day, September 6, to learn about key milestones and celebrate important anniversaries. Clicking on each event or wrestler brings you to their detailed pages and profiles.

PPV & Special Events on This Day

EventEvent Date
Sep 6, 2019
Sep 6, 2014
Sep 6, 2013
Sep 6, 2013
Sep 6, 2003

Video Games Released on This Day

In our database there are no video games released on this day.

Wrestlers Born on This Day

WrestlerDate of Birth
Sep 6, 1983
Sep 6, 1983
Sep 6, 1980
Sep 6, 1961

Wrestlers Who Died on This Day

WrestlerDate of Death
Sep 6, 2023

Wrestler Debuts on This Day

WrestlerDebut Date
Sep 6, 2016
Sep 6, 2014
Sep 6, 2014
Sep 6, 2013
Sep 6, 2006
Sep 6, 2001
Sep 6, 2001
Sep 6, 2001

WWE Debuts on This Day

WrestlerDebut Date
Sep 6, 2022
Sep 6, 2012
Sep 6, 1986

Championships Created on This Day

In our database there are no championships created on this day.

Title Changes on This Day

NXT Women's Championship


Sep 6, 2017
ROH World Championship
Jay Briscoe

Jay Briscoe

Sep 6, 2014
WWE Intercontinental Championship


Sep 6, 2004
ROH Tag Team Championship


Sep 6, 2003
NWA Television Championship

Ron Bass

Sep 6, 1981

Also, check out our complete Rosters Database, which allows you to travel through time and see every promotion's Roster by Year or even by any specific Date in history!

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