- Promotion
World Wrestling Federation
- Game Series WWE Games
- Release Date July 24, 1998
- Platforms PlayStation 1, Game Boy, Nintendo 64
- Publisher Acclaim Entertainment
- Developer Sculptured Software
Official Game Description
WWF WARZONE is here for your N64, Game Boy & PlayStation, featuring the top superstars in the World Wrestling Federation! Signature and finishing moves unique to each wrestler. Specialized matches including Steel Cage Match. Four-player action with Tag Team, Tornado, War, and Training Modes! Over 300 motion captured maneuvers. Create and save up to 30 customized wrestlers!
WWF War Zone Roster
- Stone Cold Steve Austin
- Faarooq
- Mankind
- Ahmed Johnson
- "The Rock" Rocky Maivia
- Goldust
- Triple H
- The Undertaker
- Ken Shamrock
- Kane
- Headbanger Thrasher
- Headbanger Mosh
- British Bulldog
- Shawn Michaels
- Bret Hart
- Owen Hart
- Cactus Jack [Unlockable]
- Dude Love [Unlockable]
- Sue [Unlockable]
- Pamela [Unlockable]
- Trainer [Unlockable]
- Rattlesnake (Alternate Steve Austin) [Unlockable]
- Turok [Only accessable through a cheat device]