• Legend

Shawn Michaels '22 (Zombie) is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the Legend roster in the Modern Era.

Shawn Michaels '22 (Zombie) is classed as a Focused Technician in the game.


Reanimated by dark magic, Shawn Michaels knows he's crude... he knows he's hex-y... he's got the looks... that drive everyone mad! He's got the moves... that really spook them... and send shivers up and down their spine!

SPECIALS: Bloody Tears, Love Bite, Stake Driver, Nail in the Coffin, Heartstopper Smash, Bad Moon(sault)

FINISHERS: Screaming Chin Music, Zombie Attack!

TAG LINKS: Modern Era, Zombies

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