Shawn Michaels '91 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the Legend roster in the New Generation.
Shawn Michaels '91 is classed as a Focused Striker in the game.
- Gender Male
- Roster Legend
- Nickname / Version Rockers
- Era New Generation
- Superstar Class Striker
- Ability Style Focused
- Superstar Tier S Tier
- Promoter Coach
- Alt. Character
Shawn MichaelsShawn Michaels '11-'19Shawn Michaels '22 (Zombie)Shawn Michaels '91Shawn Michaels '92Shawn Michaels '94Shawn Michaels '97Shawn Michaels '98
- Main Series Debut
WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role
- First Game
WWF Super WrestleMania
- Real Life Profile Shawn Michaels
A cocky, confident heartbreaker from San Antonio, Texas, Shawn Michaels started off his career as one half of The Rockers. His days in the ring weren't always glorious, though. After charming crowds as a Rocker in the '90s, HBK infamously severed his partnership with Marty Jannetty by smashing his friend's head through a window, but would then embark on a singles run that would cement his legacy as one of greatest Superstars of all time.
SPECIALS: Arm Drag, Flying Forearm Smash, Spike Piledriver, Elbow Drop, Diving Elbow Drop, Teardrop Suplex, Moonsault
FINISHER: Sweet Chin Music
TAG LINK: New Generation