Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels is featured as a playable character in the WWE SuperCard Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster.
Shawn Michaels first debuted in the WWE SuperCard Roster during the Season 1 of the game.
- Gender Male
- Roster WWE Superstar
- Debut in Season Season 1
- Main Series Debut
WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role
- First Game
WWF Super WrestleMania
- Real Life Profile Shawn Michaels
Active Cards (S2, S3, S4, S5)
supercard shawn michaels s9 wrestlemania39
Shawnmichaels - CommonShawnmichaels - common
Shawnmichaels - UncommonShawnmichaels - uncommon
Shawnmichaels - RareShawnmichaels - rare
Shawn Michaels - Rare (loyalty)Shawn michaels - rare (loyalty)
Shawnmichaels - SuperrareShawnmichaels - superrare
Shawnmichaels - Superrare (loyalty)Shawnmichaels - superrare (loyalty)
Shawnmichaels - UltrarareShawnmichaels - ultrarare
SuperCard ShawnMichaels 5 UltraRare Fusion
Shawnmichaels - Ultrarare (loyalty)Shawnmichaels - ultrarare (loyalty)
Shawnmichaels - EpicShawnmichaels - epic
Shawn Michaels - Epic (special Edition)Shawn michaels - epic (special edition)
Shawnmichaels - LegendaryShawnmichaels - legendary
Shawnmichaels - SurvivorShawnmichaels - survivor
Shawnmichaels - WrestlemaniaShawnmichaels - wrestlemania
SuperCard ShawnMichaels R10 SummerSlam Throwback
supercard shawnmichaels s10 crucible
supercard shawnmichaels s10 detention
supercard shawnmichaels s10 royalrumble24
supercard shawnmichaels s10 tempest
supercard shawnmichaels s11 dual
supercard shawnmichaels s11 ink
supercard shawnmichaels s11 legion
supercard shawnmichaels s8 summerslambce
supercard shawnmichaels s9 octane1
supercard shawnmichaels s9 royalrumble23
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S3 14 WrestleMania33 HallOfFame
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S3 14 WrestleMania33 RingDom
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S4 16 Beast Spring
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S4 18 Titan
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S4 18 Titan Valentine
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S4 19 WrestleMania34
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S4 21 SummerSlam18
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S5 22 Gothic
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S5 24 Shattered Christmas
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S5 26 Cataclysm Summer
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S5 27 SummerSlam19
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S6 29 Primal Christmas
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S6 31 RoyalRumble
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S6 31 RoyalRumble Valentine
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S6 32 WrestleMania36 Event
SuperCard ShawnMichaels S6 34 SummerSlam20
SuperCard Shawn Michaels S7 39 WrestleMania37
SuperCard Shawn Michaels S8 42 Mire
SuperCard Shawn Michaels S8 43 Maelstrom
Legacy Cards (Season 1)