Kane '19 (Zombie) is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster in the Modern Era.

Kane '19 (Zombie) is classed as a Aggressive Showboat in the game.


Based off his WWE Zombies 2018 figure.

The Big Red Machine could walk through fire. In matches, he would never tire. But at an undead show, Kane got burned from head-to-toe, and got crisped like he'd been in a fryer.

SPECIALS: Extinction Slam, Bite, Fallen Powerbomb, Back From The Dead, Bloodstained Cement, Cradle to the Grave
FINISHER: Shattered Tombstone
TAG LINKS: Modern Era, Zombies, Zombies 2019, WrestleMania 22
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