• Legend

Randy Savage '20 (MOTU) is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the Legend roster in the Modern Era.

Randy Savage '20 (MOTU) is classed as a Focused Powerhouse in the game.


Based off of his Mattel's Masters of the WWE Universe figure.

Freak out, freak out! As Macho Madness spread to all corners of WWEternia, there is only one man who has the power to control it - "Macho Man" Randy Savage. OOOH YEAH!

SPECIALS: Heroic Macho Piledriver, Head-Pull Hangman, Running Bionic Elbow, Heroic Diving Double Axe Handle, Lariat Takedown

FINISHERS: Heroic Diving Elbow, Chokehold

TAG LINKS: Modern Era, Masters of the WWE Universe, WrestleMania VI

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