- Promotion
World Championship Wrestling
- Game Series WCW Games
- Release Date January 15, 1998
- Additional Releases November 30, 1998 (PC), February 9, 1999 (Nintendo 64)
- Platforms PC Windows, PlayStation 1, Nintendo 64
- Publisher THQ
- Developer Inland Productions
Official Game Description
Too much for you? Step into the ring as one of your favorite WCW or NWO superstars! Insane 1 or 2-player Tag Team action, plus Tournament and Exposition modes. Featuring: Hollywood Hogan, Ric Flair, Sting, Lex Luger, The Giant, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Dean Malenko, Eddy Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Alex Wright, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Harlem Heat, Diamond Dallas Page, Syxx, and many more.
Watch out for "run-in" match disruptions, plus hidden characters including managers and valets. Each wrestler has dozens of devastating moves, including unique special moves!
All versions of the game have at least 64 characters, and overall, the game includes 101 characters.
WCW Nitro Roster
The Roster of WCW Nitro is very different between the PlayStation 1 and the Nintendo 64 versions of the game. The N64 port was released in 1999 and featured the updated roster from the game's sequel WCW/nWo Thunder.
- Alex Wright
- Bobby The Brain
- Booker T
- Chris Benoit
- Dean Malenko
- Diamond Dallas Page
- Disco Inferno
- Eddy Guerrero
- Eric Bischoff
- The Giant
- Hollywood Hogan
- Jericho
- Jimmy Hart
- Kevin Nash
- Kimberly
- Konnan
- Lex Luger
- Macho Man Randy Savage
- Mean Gene
- Miss Elizabeth
- Rey Mysterio Jr.
- Scott Hall
- Sonny Onoo
- Steve Mc Michael
- Stevie Ray
- Sting
- Ultimo Dragon
Playstation only
- Annie Mae
- Bones
- Brian
- Buzz
- Cobra
- Donn
- Dudeman
- Dweeble
- Ecto
- Eddie the Wire
- Flyboy
- Frankensteiner
- Greyling
- Hulkster (Pre-nWo Hogan)
- Ivan
- Jacquelyn
- Jaumbo
- John
- Madusa
- Mike
- Pee Wee
- R1000
- Ric Flair
- Santa Claws
- Savage (Pre-nWo Savage)
- Schiavone
- Steve
- Steven Regal
- Stinger (Sting's surfer gimmick)
- Superfan
- Syxx
- T Rex
- Tony the Rod
- Uncle Monkey
- Virtual Andy
- Whitey
Nintendo 64 only
- Anvil
- Arn Anderson
- The Barbarian
- Billy Kidman
- Bret Hart
- Brian Adams
- British Bulldog
- Buff Bagwell
- Chavo Guerrero Jr.
- Curt Hennig
- The Disciple
- Enos
- Ernest Miller
- Fit Finlay
- Goldberg
- Horace
- Juventud Guerrera
- Kanyon
- Kaz Hayashi
- La Parka
- Larry Zbyszko
- Lodi
- Meng
- Psychosis
- Raven
- Reese
- Rick Fuller
- Rick Rude
- Rick Steiner
- Roddy Piper
- Saturn
- Scott Norton
- Scott Steiner
- Scotty Riggs
- Sick Boy
- Van Hammer
- Wrath