- Promotion
World Championship Wrestling
- Game Series WCW Games
- Release Date August 31, 1999
- Platforms PlayStation 1, Game Boy Color, Nintendo 64
- Publisher Electronic Arts
- Developer Kodiak Interactive
WCW Mayhem is a wrestling video game published by Electronic Arts, based on the promotion World Championship Wrestling (WCW).
It is the first WCW game produced by EA, it was released for Nintendo 64 and PlayStation in 1999 and for the Game Boy Color in 2000.
Game Features
Out Of Hand. Out Of The Ring.
- Wrestle out of the ring and into backstage areas
- Dynamic wrestler entrances complete with pyrotechnics and theme music
- Over 600 motion capture scenes. More than any other wrestling game to date
- Battle in all WCW TV Events including 12 PPV super-events
- Build Your Own Wrestler: Choose all of the characteristics of your wrestler, right down to his name, which will be announced by the play-by-play team when he enters the ring
- Wrestling never sounded better with stitched sound technology allowing deeper play-by-play commentary
WCW Mayhem Roster
- Alex Wright
- Arn Anderson (Hidden Character)
- Bam Bam Bigelow (Hidden Character)
- Barry Windham (Hidden Character)
- Bobby Blaze (Hidden Character)
- Bobby Duncum Jr.
- Bobby Eaton (Hidden Character)
- Booker T
- Bret "Hitman" Hart
- Buff Bagwell
- Chavo Guerrero Jr.
- Chris Benoit
- Chris Jericho (Hidden Character)
- Chris Kanyon
- Curt Hennig
- Dean Malenko
- Diamond Dallas Page
- Disco Inferno
- Doug Dillenger (Hidden Character)
- Eddie Guerrero
- Eric Bischoff (Hidden Character)
- Ernest "The Cat" Miller
- Goldberg
- Hollywood Hulk Hogan
- Horace Hogan
- Jimmy Hart (Hidden Character)
- Juventud Guerrera
- Kaz Hayashi
- Kenny Kaos
- Kevin Nash
- Kidman
- Konnan
- La Parka
- Lash LeRoux (Hidden Character)
- Lex Luger
- Lizmark Jr.
- Macho Man
- Mean Gene Okerlund (Hidden Character)
- Norman Smiley
- Perry Saturn
- Prince Iaukea
- Psychosis
- Raven
- Rey Mysterio Jr.
- Ric Flair (Hidden Character)
- Rick Steiner (Hidden Character)
- Scott Hall (Hidden Character)
- Scott Norton
- Scott Steiner
- Sergeant Buddy Lee Parker (Hidden Character)
- Sonny Onoo (Hidden Character)
- Steve "Mongo" McMichael
- Stevie Ray
- Sting
- Wolfpac Sting (Hidden Character)
- Wrath