William Regal is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Reality Era.
William Regal is classed as a Showboat in the game.
- Gender Male
- Nickname / Version Blue Blood
- Era Reality Era
- Superstar Class Showboat
- Superstar Tier S Tier
- Promoter Trainer
- Main Series Debut
WWF SmackDown!: Just Bring It
- First Game
WCW vs. the World
- Real Life Profile William Regal
In August 2014, William Regal was appointed the new General Manager of NXT, and between signing international stars and sanctioning boundary-breaking contests, he’s helped the brand take its place on the cutting edge of sports-entertainment. Part English gentleman, part Blackpool brawler, Regal remains one of the most dignified Superstars on the roster.
SPECIALS: Regal Cutter, Power of the Punch, Regalplex, Tiger Bomb, Dragon Suplex, Dirty Boots
FINISHERS: Regal Knee, Regal Stretch
TAG LINKS: Reality Era, NXT