• Attitude Era

Goldust '99 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Attitude Era.

Goldust '99 is classed as a Focused Striker in the game.


The Bizarre One wins his debut match against Marty Jannetty at In Your House, while making both his opponent and many WWF fans pretty uncomfortable. Goldust becomes WWF's most eccentric Superstar the moment he first walks down the aisle

SPECIALS: DDT, Shattered Dreams, Bulldog, Running Clothesline, Inverted Atomic Drop
FINISHERS: Curtain Call, Cobra Clutch
TAG LINKS: Attitude Era, The Rhodes, Booker T & Goldust

Goldust: OVR Rating Evolution

  • 76'19
  • 76'18
  • 70'17
  • 86'16
  • 86'15
  • 85'13
  • 82'12
  • 80'11
  • 75'10
  • 68'04

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