Beth Phoenix is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Ruthless Aggression.
Beth Phoenix is classed as a Aggressive Powerhouse in the game.
- Gender Female
- Nickname / Version The Glamazon
- Era Ruthless Aggression
- Superstar Class Powerhouse
- Ability Style Aggressive
- Superstar Tier B Tier
- Promoter Trainer
- Alt. Character
Beth PhoenixBeth Phoenix '19
- Main Series Debut
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
- First Game
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
- Real Life Profile Beth Phoenix
Early in her WWE career, Beth Phoenix laid down the law, but following some encouraging early wins, her momentum unexpectedly stalled when her jaw was artfully rearranged during a match against Victoria. A year later, with her mandible fully repaired, Phoenix picked up right where she left off ...dominating the field, but now as the self-appointed "Glamazon."
SPECIALS: Canadian Backbreaker, Fisherman Suplex, Slingshot Suplex, Pendulum Backbreaker, Military Press Drop, Broken Wings Slam
FINISHERS: Glam Slam, Indian Deathlock Surfboard
TAG LINKS: Ruthless Aggression, Women Superstars, WrestleMania 35