• Legend

Ultimate Warrior '20 (MOTU) is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the Legend roster in the Modern Era.

Ultimate Warrior '20 (MOTU) is classed as a Aggressive Showboat in the game.


Based off of his Mattel's Masters of the WWE Universe figure.

Sent in a capsule from a place far from here for a reason: To attack and keep coming, not to ask but just to give, not to want but just to send - send the power of The Warrior!

SPECIALS: Heroic Warrior Running Powerslam, Suplex, Heroic Warrior Press Slam, Leaping Shoulder Block, Heroic Warrior Diving Crossbody

FINISHERS: Heroic Warrior Splash, Scoop Slam

TAG LINKS: Modern Era, Masters of the WWE Universe, WrestleMania VI

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