- Promotion
World Championship Wrestling
- Game Series WCW Games
- Release Date November 1, 1994
- Platforms Super NES
- Publisher FCI Inc.
- Developer Beam Software
Official Game Description
STOMP A FRIEND TODAY! How 'bout Vader's Power Bomb or Ravishing Rick Rude's Rude Awakening to do the trick? A Figure Four Leg Lock by "Nature Boy" Ric Flair might make you feel good. Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat will take you on a ride you won't forget. And Johnny B. Badd's just waitin' to get you good.
You wanna step into the ring-shoes of Ron Simmons, Flyin' Brian, Barry Windham and Sting? Use the signature moves of "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes? Well quit dreamin' and get in the ring. Wrestle the great ones in individual or tag team action. With dozens of classic moves plus each man's signature moves, its the most realistic action encounter you'll find this side of the square circle.
These are the guys you watch on television's WCW ProWrestling, WCW Main Event and WCW WORLDWIDE. And Tony Schiavone, America's premier TV wrestling voice, announces every match.
Cmon, Rick "Dogface Gremlin" and Scott Steiner are ready to go a bout with you and a friend, or...you be them. Be 'em all - give yourself a Super Brawl!
WCW SuperBrawl Wrestling Roster
- Dustin Rhodes
- Vader
- Rick Rude
- Ric Flair
- Johnny B. Badd
- Rick Steiner
- Sting
- Brian Pillman
- Scott Steiner
- Ron Simmons
- Ricky Steamboat
- Barry Windham