Steve Austin '22 (GB) is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Legends Era.
Steve Austin '22 (GB) is classed as a Chaotic Showboat in the game.
- Gender Male
- Nickname / Version Ghostbusters
- Era Legends Era
- Superstar Class Showboat
- Ability Style Chaotic
- Superstar Tier S Tier
- Promoter Trainer
- Alt. Character
Steve AustinSteve Austin '03Steve Austin '09Steve Austin '17 (Zombie)Steve Austin '21 (MOTU)Steve Austin '22 (GB)Steve Austin '92Steve Austin '97Steve Austin '99
- Main Series Debut
WWF SmackDown! 1
- First Game
WCW: The Main Event
- Real Life Profile Stone Cold Steve Austin
Based off of his 2019 Ghostbusters figure.
The true wild card of the WWE Ghostbusters, Steve Austin faces down the supernatural with an unhinged grin and an unpredictable gleam in his eye. What better way to fight back against otherworldly chaos than with some chaos of your own?!
SPECIALS: Ghost-Buster, Leapfrog Body Gozer-tine, Sewer Stomp, Lou Vinz Press, Diving Proton Elbow Drop, Ghost Check, Slimebuster
FINISHER: Stone Cold Slimer
TAG LINKS: Legends Era, Ghostbusters