Ricky Steamboat '21 (MOTU) is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Modern Era.
Ricky Steamboat '21 (MOTU) is classed as a Aggressive Technician in the game.
- Gender Male
- Nickname / Version Heroic Master of Dragons
- Era Modern Era
- Superstar Class Technician
- Ability Style Aggressive
- Alt. Character
Ricky SteamboatRicky Steamboat '21 (MOTU)Ricky Steamboat '22 (Zombie)Ricky Steamboat '86
- Main Series Debut
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011
- First Game
WCW Wrestling
- Real Life Profile Ricky Steamboat
Based off of his Mattel's Masters of the WWE Universe figure.
Armed with the devastating Dragon Blaster, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat fires up the crowd and brings the heat inside the ring.
SPECIALS: Superplex, Arm Drag, Knife-Edged Chop, Standing Dropkick, Diving Crossbody, Headscissors Takedown
FINISHER: Heroic Diving Chop
TAG LINKS: Modern Era, Masters of the WWE Universe.