Edge '06 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster in the Ruthless Aggression.

Edge '06 is classed as a Aggressive Trickster in the game.


Beyond his ability to capitalize on opportunities, Edge became known as The Master Manipulator because he wasn't afraid to cross the line in order to rattle the competition. After he made history in 2006 as the first man to ever cash in the Money in the Bank briefcase, he rubbed his WWE Championship triumph in the face of all challengers. Mind games were taken to a whole new level by the self-proclaimed "most-watched champion."

SPECIALS: Edge-O-Matic, Edgecution, Downward Spiral, Winning Edge, Big Boot
FINISHERS: Spear, Edgecator
TAG LINKS: Ruthless Aggression, Canadian, Rated RKO, SmackDown, WrestleMania 22, WrestleMania 36
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