Eddie Guerrero '00 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Attitude Era.
Eddie Guerrero '00 is classed as a Chaotic Acrobat in the game.
- Gender Male
- Nickname / Version Latino Heat
- Era Attitude Era
- Superstar Class Acrobat
- Ability Style Chaotic
- Alt. Character
Eddie GuerreroEddie Guerrero '00Eddie Guerrero '05Eddie Guerrero '06Eddie Guerrero '98
- Main Series Debut
WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role
- First Game
WCW vs. the World
- Real Life Profile Eddie Guerrero
When Eddie Guerrero came to the WWF after a successful career around the world, lying, cheating and stealing became his game. Eddie's "creative" methods of winning matches and technical prowess in the ring earned him five different types of WWF titles and made him a legend in the WWF Universe.
SPECIALS: Belly to Belly Superplex, Monkey Flip, Low Blow, Eye Rake, Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker
FINISHERS: Frog Splash, Gory Special
TAG LINKS: Attitude Era, WCW, Mexican