Mr. Perfect is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Attitude Era.
Mr. Perfect is classed as a Focused Showboat in the game.
- Gender Male
- Nickname / Version nWo
- Era Attitude Era
- Superstar Class Showboat
- Ability Style Focused
- Alt. Character
Mr. PerfectMr. Perfect '07Mr. Perfect '93
- Main Series Debut
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
- First Game
WWF Superstars (1991)
- Real Life Profile Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig
In WCW, Curt Hennig joined the legendary Four Horsemen but quickly defected to the villainous New World Order. In 1999, Hennig severed his ties with the nWo and joined up with Kendall & Barry Windham and Bobby Duncum, Jr. in a group of good old boys dubbed The West Texas Rednecks.
SPECIALS: Inverted Atomic Drop, Standing Dropkick, Diving Clothesline, Knife-Edged Chop, Neck Snap
FINISHERS: Perfect-Plex, Figure-Four Leglock
TAG LINKS: Attitude Era, WCW, New World Order, WrestleMania VI