Goldberg '97 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Attitude Era.
Goldberg '97 is classed as a Focused Striker in the game.
- Gender Male
- Nickname / Version The Streak Begins
- Era Attitude Era
- Superstar Class Striker
- Ability Style Focused
- Superstar Tier S Tier
- Promoter Coach
- Alt. Character
GoldbergGoldberg '18Goldberg '21 (MOTU)Goldberg '97
- Main Series Debut
WWE SmackDown!: Here Comes The Pain
- First Game
WCW Nitro
- Real Life Profile Goldberg
"Who's next?" was the question sports-entertainment fans were asking in 1998 as the explosive rookie known as Goldberg ran through the World Championship Wrestling roster. From September 1997 until December 1998, the former University of Georgia and Atlanta Falcons defensive tackle went undefeated, crushing icons like Big Show and "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig en route to earning an unprecedented record of 173-0.
SPECIALS: Spear, Gorilla Press Slam, Necklock Suplex, Pumphandle Fallaway Slam, Snap Scoop Powerslam, Front Powerslam
FINISHERS: Jackhammer, Cross Armbreaker
TAG LINK: Attitude Era