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Multiplayer - Based on your modus operandi, a video game should grade your performance and tag you with popular catch phrases for the style in which you choose to play a game. If you're competitive or want to know where you rank in general, getting a so called "scorecard" to document your progress will outline your overall strengths and weaknesses and determine your rating. It will track your number of wins/losses via knock outs, submissions, pins, count outs, disqualifications, and special no contest rules! You can view your ratings online and/or offline, it won't give a letter grade, it should just rank you as a player and give stats, etc. There will be incentives for players to accomplish certain checklists so that you'll get bonus unlockables not available anywhere else!
Roster - A deep and enriching roster is necessary where the "rubber meets the road" for feuds, rivalries, tag teams, trios, stables, factions, etc. Gamers cannot express their anguish enough, our full current WWE roster doesn't get updated/added into the game for reasons unknown. Instead of featuring them as DLC, give us the option to unlock them in-game at the very least....or opt for using the accelerator for those that choose this route. Current roster with legends can be a rewarding experience but there needs to be a balance that doesn't disrupt the game from becoming too outdated and lop-sided for gamers. We're always focused on the roster!
Animations - In regards to moves, entrances, and cut scenes...there needs to be a standard that fits the game---also individual wrestlers/divas---a game cannot survive to its fullest potential without accurate animations for each character. Some of the best parts of a pro wrestling game involve creating a CAW (or CAS as some people call it) and customizing them with incredible moves that perfectly add that extra layer of customization. The enormous time crafting custom work takes ages to capture its real life counterpart. No word can describe the feeling of making the best CAWs and people downloading/uploading their custom work online also! Community creations have outspoken players that rank individual CAWs, animations shouldn't disappoint and neither should you feel that the game hadn't pushed the envelope to deliver the absolute best!
Facial Expressions - This part is what makes WWE all the more meaningful, our feelings are seen throughout the scope of emotions imprinted on our face. Realistic emotions generate more drama, action, and suspense. Look at the audience members, when something HUGE happens, cameras zoom in on their face to encapsulate all the desires of a fan's heart in one short precise shot. Our wrestling games would improve if we had life-like audience members that would resemble the television audience more accurately. Apply this rule to color commentators, referees, security guards, doctors, trainers, ring-side staff, camera men, and backstage announcers too--not just the wrestlers/divas themselves. On that list, professional wrestling games DON'T have most of those people added into the game! Haha.
Creation Modes - This mode mostly remains untouched for the most part, please revamp the areas that need it most. CAWs for example, require something more than attires, physiques, templates, designs, textures, layers, colors, morphing, and improved 3D beards. We need to have an ability to actually trim, fade, erase, add, customize and grow out hair styles and facial hair. We can edit them much better with some innovative tools, next generation consoles should push the limits of what's to come! Here's a starting point, what you do alters the course of things to happen! Visualize the layers of "fat" on a character model and the ways you can manipulate the shape, etc. What if you could scan your face automatically on the save file and use it for your CAW? There's a lot to cover in this area, that's it for now!
Weight System - A tricky and delicate feature due to how "realistic" you want the game to become. If done right and given a fair chance to succeed, this could be a good idea if we implement proper weight lifting mechanics into the game. We all understand "dead weight" is difficult to pick up compared to using momentum, a conducive use ensures the game follows these concepts. All wrestlers/divas have a different level of strength/weakness and within those areas, we should determine how the game will use this to its advantage and promote the accurate animations to follow afterwards. A fatigued and injured wrestler will react more sluggishly while performing many different lifts, a rested and uninjured wrestler will have less struggles doing the same moves. It has to appear authentic and true to form, no strings attached, unless we're to impose arcade mechanics to a degree...than it might work. The real question is what people want more....a realistic game or arcade game?

Free Roaming - A long fought battle has ensued to get this feature back into the game for years, then it happened. But it wasn't without serious setbacks and issues, too many canned animations and not enough interactive environments that break, shatter, explode, leak fumes, spread flames, leak water, expose electrical circuits and shock opponents with all the noises that you'd expect. Likewise, in-ring action and the objects surrounding the ring should incorporate all the bonuses of hardcore feats too, fun doesn't stop here, it gets much BETTER. You should be able to pick up broken fragments of items and use it against your opponent, but it never happens, in real life--you'd be able to use anything to your advantage and the list goes on!
Backstage "OMG" Moments - This would be a nice added bonus to gameplay, there are numerous actions you could make happen! Anything you'd see possible on WWE television should be implemented into a video game, what's not to love about it? You could deliver the most radical and unbelievable stunts ever seen on a video game. If you're a daredevil and have the attitude...climb the highest pinnacles and crash land with a massive signature/finisher move to end the greatest match ever! You can set up opponents and imitate the craziest bumps and even use several opponents to do it also, imagine the possibilities what you could do and invite all your friends and try it online too! Add double team or even...triple team....even quadruple team moves into the combination and you've got a recipe for disaster! If we could use this with a replay option, it would be miraculous, then upload it on Youtube for your subscribers and more!
Audience Chants - You should have strong loud and clear crowd reactions, our "WWE Universe" has much to say: "DA DA DA DA DAA!" (Fandango theme song), "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", "AWWWW!", "OOHHHH!", "R - V - D!", "SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!", "WE WANT _______!", "BULLSH*T!", "BOOOOORING!", "A**HOLE!", "THIS IS AWESOME!", "BEST IN THE WORLD", "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE!" and let's not forget the perfect timing between fans shouting "BOOOOO!" VS. "YEEEAAAHHH!" (I.E. John Cena fighting Daniel Bryan where fans opt to get involved with their phrases quite often more than not). If the audience absolutely hates a wrestler/diva, there should be trash thrown at the ring (once the match ends) after a serious infraction against the rules happened and was blatantly ignored and/or wasn't caught while the referee was officiating a big title match. However, if the audience has unwavering support, you should hear them clap their hands aloud and stomp their feet together so the momentum of this match can shift and the tables can turn! Silence is the last crowd reaction you want for your matches, so make it exciting and build the match accordingly with a solid finish!

Weapons - You can make a weapon from practically anything, take this into a video game world and there's much more you can do! Give us more weapons for greater opportunities and dual wield weapons also! All the weapons should be able to be dismantled and the smaller broken parts should be used as weapons. The ability to counter weapons with other weapons should come into gameplay also, if two opponents are striking with weapons, who will land the hit and which one will be harder to revive from afterwards? If two equal strength competitors run at each other with weapons and swing at the same time, which one will get up first? Can these opposing forces cancel each other out? Or will one be the victor with a faster and stronger weapon that could be a deal breaker? We should test this out!