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WWE 2K15: Past, Present, and Future of WWE Games
By RKHT8709 on June 20, 2014.
The current state of WWE games remains in question, mainly due to a precarious position that gamers find themselves. THQ has malingered the real issues for years, we read the writing on the wall, a rushed video game is an abomination to gamers and there's not enough patience to spare for veteran gamers nor newcomers...or casual gamers for that matter.
After many years of playing these games, I've managed to "hang in there" for an estimated twelve years but it wasn't always this attitude. I'm a fan and gamer at heart, pro wrestling games have been a part of my life for ages ever since I invested into pro wrestling. Except the last two games which I skipped purchasing altogether. As many of you are reading this article, a revolution in pro wrestling gaming is overdue. This series can't rebound without a major turnaround, a "Rock Bottom" finisher will ensure this game rests in peace if something isn't done! Read more about the list of things that can possibly revamp the entire game and peak its transformation to evolve. (The list can be found below the picture of The Rock's graphical comparisons of WWE '12, WWE '13, and WWE 2K14).
The future is here, the next generation consoles are compared below (PS4 and Xbox One are outlined with pros & cons) and if you're excited to see what's to come for WWE gaming...then click here for a comparison of Xbox One vs. PS4 specs and realize how these differences will impact your gaming experience!

Graphics - Based on the information and graphics comparison (among several other specs seen above in the link), you'll see bigger and better possibilities! Full steam ahead now. Let's leap into serious business. It's time to put more emphasis on the things that WWE focuses upon---attention to details---and that means more breathtaking lighting, visually stunning cinematic cut scenes, enriched deeper colors, more shading, brightness of textures, stimulating sounds, and epic presentation unlike we've seen before! You're in the driver's seat, witness a living and interactive world that's waiting for you to explore it and push the boundaries of things never possible before. Expect HUGE upgrades in this area for next generation consoles, nothing less will fit the bill, so set the expectations HIGH!
Controls - The game fluctuates user controls every year when a new game is released in stores! This isn't gamer friendly as the constant changes often causes more problems. The game needs to have simplified controls that don't change, if it's not broken, DON'T fix it! An earlier game had a tutorial explain the controls before you had a match. This wouldn't be too extreme if this was normal for a professional wrestling game, however, you're less inclined to learning this method if you're overwhelmed with too many obstacles---control changes---every year becomes worse! No harassing and overbearing controls, make it easy to understand and give players direct options. Clear-cut and simplified user friendly tools without additional confusing selections, players can access them whenever they want without adapting to overcomplicated setups!
Artificial Intelligence - This area can sometimes be a hit/miss depending on who you ask. The CPU matches need to give you a good challenge, more unpredictable patterns and learned behavior added into CPUs will enhance the gameplay. You should feel as though the computer is so smart, it learns your movements and will practically use more advanced techniques to defeat you! The CPU can adapt to different challenges, our concerns shouldn't walk the line of repeating the same old routines, same concept for CPUs, nor can it follow a basic plan that works every single time without consequences. CPUs should randomly and effectively expose our weaknesses without us predicting the results beforehand. If we aren't careful, even for a split second, CPUs can outmatch the best players despite how careful their strategies play into effect.

Replay Value - Once you're completely finished with the campaign mode, or in this case, season/story mode than what's left to accomplish? You'll be endlessly looking for other challenges, besides pro wrestling matches which you've probably fought in over hundreds...maybe thousands of matches overall. You'll require other modes that will interest you, at least encourage you to attempt other fields of fun activities. It shouldn't be a chore, it needs to be interactive! Highlight all aspects of pro wrestling, don't replace good features for tedious and redundant tasks. A game should reward you for your efforts and seeking the other modes should prove worth your time!
Gameplay - This is arguably the biggest concern of any pro wrestling game out there, if you don't have incredible gameplay mechanics than be prepared to get openly lambasted and severely criticized by game reviewers. Internet reviews spread quickly and most importantly....bad reviews (which I've read for years based on this area) have us scratching our heads about why so many of us continue to keep testing these games on their annual release. Where are the quality testers? Gameplay should immerse you into a maze of fun challenges and those gameplay strategies will ultimately affect the entire gaming experience!
Fun Factor - This has to be on everyone's agenda when it comes to an everlasting experience. Whether you're a arcade or simulation player, pro wrestling games stopped being fun when the recycled features became too overwhelming and very few advances were made to rediscover what a fun video game should be about. When a wrestler repeats the same gimmick without a character change--expect people to tune out and look somewhere else for a "hero" or "anti-hero" to save the show. A great game gives so much back, when it's fun, you'll share a lot of positive feedback for upcoming years. This is what makes video games so wonderful for escapism!

Sound - All games should have a good sound track to keep their fans wanting more. If a game doesn't engage you, it won't grab your attention and pull you into the drama and all the exhilarating moments that a fantastic wrestling match creates for television value. The efforts to simulate fan reactions is a major key feature of a wrestling game, it comes packed with unique audience chants and adds much depth. Promos need to be sound realistic and the snap, rattles, and rolls of every beat. Think about using weapons and wreaking havoc with improved sound, added sound effects for environmental damage, perfect audio for music, enhanced male/female voice overs, background music, better promos, etc. It all needs to be in sync with the action.
Flaws - A game can push past its apparent failures through smaller mistakes, don't overdo them to death either. To name a few: glitches, bugs, freezing, online servers crashing, online servers unable to schedule matches, online/offline lag, hair-clipping issues, havoc engine mishaps, and body parts are seen elongated and bodies are trapped in hilarious positions. I can point out the obvious floating weapons and other insane happenings but the list is too extensive to write out and frankly....there's not enough time focused on eliminating unfortunate issues before a game releases on store shelves. Developers need to prove that quality rises above the quantity of games that can be developed and published thereafter. Overlooking a dysfunctional video game isn't justified, nether is applying a small bandage over an infected gash. However, a straight forward answer to surpassing all of these shortcomings will prove victorious for gamers all around the globe!
Online Modes - The best feature for meeting random people and/or playing your friends online is right here! Without a doubt, you see the best/worst players online: spammers, cheaters, hackers, and the occasional online "poacher" or what people call them in Call of Duty "campers" and they wait for vulnerable players to restart in prepositioned locations, just to shoot and kill them. That's for another discussion. We need moderators to ban unfair players and restore balance! If offline modes are lackluster in modes, minimal improvements, or isn't fair play than players will go elsewhere and this leads to frustration and higher chances that you won't return next year!