This match type takes place in a large container filled with various substances, typically involving two female competitors, regardless of their wrestling experience. Common substances can range from mud to chocolate milk, and for special occasions, alternatives like gravy for Thanksgiving or eggnog for Christmas may be used.
- Mud Match: One of the most well-known variations is the mud match, where wrestlers compete in a mud-filled area, usually outside the ring. These matches typically feature women, though men may also participate on occasion.
- Chocolate Pudding Match: Another example is the chocolate pudding match, where Candice Michelle faced off against Melina, showcasing the fun nature of these themed bouts.
- Blood Bath Match: In a blood bath match, no disqualifications apply, and the first wrestler to be doused in a vat of blood from a bucket loses. This match type was notably used in August 1999 on WWE Raw, featuring Edge and Gangrel.
- Hog Pen Match: A variant of the mud match, the hog pen match takes place in a pig pen filled with mud and animal waste. The objective is simply to throw your opponent into the pen. Triple H and Henry O. Godwinn faced off in this match at WWE's In Your House 5 in December 1995.
- Mimosa Mayhem Match: Another memorable match type is the Mimosa Mayhem match, held between Chris Jericho and Orange Cassidy at All Elite Wrestling's All Out pay-per-view in September 2020. Victory could be achieved through pinfall, submission, or by knocking the opponent into a large vat of mimosa.
Mud Pool Match: Info
- Match Category Miscellaneous
- Variant of Singles Match
- N. of Competitors 2
- Also Known As Substance match; Blood Bath match; Hog Pen match
Mud Pool Match: List of Matches
Below you find the list of the Mud Pool Matches included in our database, along with dates and events. You can switch between the match list without spoilers, or view the results with all the winners.
No Spoiler
Arkansas Hog Pen Match
2-on-1 Handicap Hog Pen Match
With Results
Arkansas Hog Pen Match
2-on-1 Handicap Hog Pen Match