On this page, you find the full wrestling profile of Rockin' Robin, with her Career History, real name, age, height and weight, the Promotions she worked for, all the Face/Heel turns, the Championship Titles she won, her Finishers, Theme Songs, Tag Teams and Stables, her appearance changes through the years, and more.
Robin Denise Smith was born in Charlotte, North Carolina on October 9, 1964, and she is currently 60 years old.
Rockin' Robin Profile Index
Profile Info
- Gender Female
- Real Name Robin Denise Smith
- Ring Names
- Rockin' Robin ( January 1, 1986 - February 23, 1992)
- Born October 9, 1964 (age 60)
- Nationality
United States
- Birth Place Charlotte, North Carolina
- Billed From
- Charlotte, North Carolina
- Height 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
- Weight
- 136 lbs (62 kg)
Career History
- Wrestler ( January 1, 1986 - February 23, 1992)
Promotions History
Promotion from to Promotion INDY
November 17, 1989 February 23, 1992 Promotion WWF
November 21, 1987 February 21, 1990 -
Images History
Nov 1988Jan 1986 -
Face / Heel Turns
Alignment from to Face November 21, 1987 February 23, 1992 -
Card Positions
Status Details from to WWE Inactive June 26, 1989 February 21, 1990 WWE Upper Card November 21, 1987 June 25, 1989
- Bulldog ( January 1, 1986 - February 23, 1992)
- Diving Crossbody ( January 1, 1986 - February 23, 1992)
Theme Songs
- Theme Song “Rockin' Robin” by Michael Jackson - Single ( February 11, 1989 - June 25, 1989)
- Theme Song “Cowboy Theme” by Jim Johnston - Single ( November 26, 1988 - February 10, 1989)
Titles & Accomplishments
World Wrestling Entertainment
Great Lakes Wrestling Association
- 1 GLWA Women's Championship
Ladies Major League Wrestling
- 1 LMLW International Championship
Universal Wrestling Federation (Herb Abrams)
- 1 UWF Women's World Championship
Other Accomplishments
- Women's Wrestling Hall of Fame induction (class of 2024)
- Cauliflower Alley Club Women's Wrestling Award (2011)
Teams & Relations
- Family
- Jake Roberts - Half-brother