• Legend

Typhoon is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the Legend roster in the New Generation.

Typhoon is classed as a Defensive Showboat in the game.


In 1991, the Superstar formerly known as Tugboat had a change of attitude when he attacked his teammates, the Bushwhackers, to join with long time friend Earthquake. Manager Jimmy Hart would introduce him as Typhoon and the duo would become The Natural Disasters. The destructive duo would be a catastrophic force in the tag team division as they go on to win the Tag Team Championship from Money Inc. After losing the titles, Typhoon would leave the WWF for years only to return in 2001 for the Gimmick Battle Royal at WrestleMania X-Seven.

SPECIALS: Body Avalanche, Rib Breaker, Falling Powerslam, Tidal Wave, Big Boot

FINISHERS: Bearhug Slam, Bear Hug

TAG LINKS: New Generation, WCW, The Natural Disasters

Typhoon: OVR Rating Evolution

  • 82'18
  • 81'17
  • 86'16

Typhoon Games Appearances (9)

WWE Main Series (3/25)

Other Games (6)

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