Luke Williams is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the Legend roster in the New Generation.
Luke Williams is classed as a Defensive Powerhouse in the game.
- Gender Male
- Roster Legend
- Nickname / Version Bushwhackers
- Era New Generation
- Superstar Class Powerhouse
- Ability Style Defensive
- Alt. Attire Camo Vest
- Main Series Debut
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
- First Game
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
- Real Life Profile Bushwhacker Luke
Arriving in America by way of New Zealand, the demented duo of Butch and cousin Luke were one of the wildest and most unorthodox teams the WWF Universe had ever seen. Toothless and tattooed, the fun-loving Bushwhackers stomped to the ring in camouflage pants and combat boots, swinging their arms above their heads and licking the faces of any fans they could get their hands on.
SPECIALS: Falling Hip Toss, Leg Drop, Fakeout Clothesline, Springboard Twisting Elbow Drop, Shoulderbreaker, Backbreaker Rack
FINISHER: Battering Ram
TAG LINKS: New Generation, The Bushwhackers