Sami Zayn '23 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Modern Era.

Sami Zayn '23 is classed as a Powerhouse in the game.


After months of trying to become a full-fledged Bloodline member, Sami Zayn was shockingly kicked out refusing to strike Kevin Owens, his former best friend. Zayn then faced Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title at WWE Elimination Chamber 2023 in his hometown of Montreal, but would heartbreakingly come up short. At WrestleMania 39, Zayn reunited with Owens & closed the book of the epic reign of The Usos by heroically capturing the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles in the “Greatest Tag Team Title Match in History”.

SPECIALS: Spin-Out Powerbomb, Hop Diving Crossbody, Exploder Suplex, Helluva Kick, Springboard Tornado DDT, Michinoku Driver, Blue Thunder Bomb

FINISHER: Koji Clutch

TAG LINKS: Modern Era, SmackDown

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