Snoop Dogg '16 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Hall of Fame.

Snoop Dogg '16 is classed as a Defensive Technician in the game.


The legendary lyrical technician Snoop Dogg has a long and storied history with WWE, and he keeps a close eye on things to this very day. Now, the never-ending party that always follows Snoop Dogg joins him in the WWE Hall of Fame!

He is the first celebrity to have a playable Hall of Fame version!

S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S.: Drop It Like It's Hot, Bull-D-O-double-G, Gems and Juice, Doggfather Drop, Snoop Spear

F.I.N.I.S.H.E.R.S.: Hustle Buster, Hollywood Bank Robbery

T.A.G. L.I.N.K.: Hall of Fame

Games Appearances (1)

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