Montez Ford '19 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster in the Modern Era.

Montez Ford '19 is classed as a Chaotic Acrobat in the game.


When you bring the swag like Montez Ford can, you might be forgiven for bragging a bit. Together with Angelo Dawkins, they formed the highly successful Street Profits and gained a massive following in the WWE Universe thanks to their party-starting antics - Ford and Dawkins are rarely seen without a red cup in hand, looking for a cause to celebrate - but their fun-loving ways never come at the expense of their win-loss record.

SPECIALS: Springboard Crossbody, Standing Moonsault, Standing Dropkick, DDT, Enzuigiri

FINISHERS: From The Heavens, Rollover Leaping Clothesline

TAG LINKS: Modern Era, The Street Profits, SmackDown

Montez Ford: OVR Rating Evolution

  • 78'25
  • 76'24
  • 82'23
  • 82'22
  • 79'20
  • 72'19

Montez Ford Games Appearances (12)

WWE Main Series (6/25)

Other Games (6)

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