Mankind '22 (Mutant) is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Modern Era.
Mankind '22 (Mutant) is classed as a Chaotic Striker in the game.
- Gender Male
- Nickname / Version Many Faces of Mick Foley
- Era Modern Era
- Superstar Class Striker
- Ability Style Chaotic
- Alt. Character
Cactus JackDude LoveMankindMankind '21 (Zombie)Mankind '22 (Mutant)Mankind '97Mick Foley '00Mick Foley '13
- Main Series Debut
WWF SmackDown! 1
- First Game
WWF War Zone
- Real Life Profile Mick Foley
Mrs. Foley’s Baby Boy became one of WWE’s most unlikely success stories under the guise of three distinct personas — the unpredictable Cactus Jack, the demented hippy Dude Love, and everyone’s favorite mental patient, Mankind. These “three faces of Foley” were dangerously unique, but all shared a common trait — a willingness to always go one step too far.
SPECIALS: Groin Kick, Bulldog, Piledriver, Tree of Woe Double Axe Handle, Sweet Shin Music
FINISHERS: Mutated Double Arm DDT, Mutated Mandible Claw
TAG LINKS: Modern Era, WWE Mutants