Lita '14 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Hall of Fame.
Lita '14 is classed as a Chaotic Acrobat in the game.
- Gender Female
- Nickname / Version Hall of Fame
- Era Hall of Fame
- Superstar Class Acrobat
- Ability Style Chaotic
- Alt. Attire Silver Edition; Gold Edition
- Alt. Character
LitaLita '01Lita '14
- Main Series Debut
WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role
- First Game
WWF No Mercy
- Real Life Profile Lita
Exhilarating one moment, sinister the next, Lita always kept the WWE Universe on their toes. Whether she was flying high with The Hardy Boyz or shocking censors alongside Edge, the four-time Women's Champion knew how to elicit a reaction around the world. WWE fans always embrace Lita when she makes a rare appearance - especially the night before WrestleMania 30, when she took her rightful place in the WWE Hall of Fame.
SPECIALS: DDT, Twist of Fate, Litabomb, Monkey Flip, Tilt-A-Whirl Slam, Russian Leg Sweep
FINISHER: Litasault
TAG LINKS: Hall of Fame, Women Superstars, WrestleMania 22