CSW Roster in 1986: Full List of Wrestlers
On this page you find the full CSW Roster in the year 1986. This includes the list of all CSW Wrestlers, active Tag Teams & Stables, as well as Managers, Announcers, Authority figures, Producers and other personalities in Heart of America Sports Attractions.
Our complete Pro Wrestlers Database allows you to travel through time and see the CSW Roster by Year or any specific Date in history. Simply use the filters below! You even have the option to view a breakdown of the rosters split by Face and Heel divisions.

CSW: All (27)

Akio Sato

Arn Anderson

The Barbarian

Brad Armstrong

Bruiser Brody

Butch Reed

Dusty Rhodes

Harley Race

Ivan Koloff

Jim Crockett Jr.

Jimmy Valiant


Kevin the Magnificent

Marty Jannetty

Mr. Pogo

Ric Flair

Ricky Morton

Robert Gibson

Rocky Johnson

Rufus R. Jones

Sgt. Slaughter

Shawn Michaels

Tarzan Goto

Tully Blanchard

Verne Gagne

Wahoo McDaniel

The Warlord
Akio Sato & Tarzan Goto
The Four Horsemen
The Midnight Rockers
The Rock N' Roll Express
The Soul Patrol
The profile of each CSW wrestler features their Career History, Ring Names, Face / Heel Turns, Accomplishments, Pictures, Bio and more information and statistics.
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