In this page you can find the full list of WWE 2K20 Arenas included in the game. As always, WWE 2K20 features a varied range of current WWE Shows Arenas, Pay Per View Arenas, as well as Classic Arenas.

WWE 2K20 Weekly Shows Arenas

WWE 2K20 Pay Per Views Arena

WWE 2K20 Classic Arena

WWE 2K20 Other MyCareer Arenas

All the following are special arenas in WWE 2K20 unlocked via MyCareer Mode.

WrestleMania 2029

WrestleMania 2029

Winter Fest

Winter Fest

Reilly Flash's Wrestling Academy

Reilly Flash's Wrestling Academy

New Day Arena

New Day Arena

L.A. Hall

L.A. Hall

High School Gym Run-Down

High School Gym Run-Down

High School Gym (BCW)

High School Gym (BCW)

Hell's Colosseum

Hell's Colosseum

Baseball Stadium

Baseball Stadium

WWE 2K20 Backstage Brawls Arenas

The following is a list of WWE 2K20 Arenas available to use in the "Backstage Brawl" and "Brawl" match types. Except for the WWE Backstage Area, all the other Brawl arenas are unlocked via MyCareer Mode.

WWE Backstage Area

Boiler Room

Movie Set

The Darkside

The Wretched Mire

The Wretched Mire Cabin

WWE 2K20 Originals Arenas (DLC)

The following is the list of WWE 2K20 Arenas included as part of WWE 2K20 Originals DLC Packs.

Wyatt Swamp Compound

Chaos At The Crypt (Cemetery Brawl)

Pin Drop Plaza (Empty Arena)

Overlord's Coliseum

The Scrapyard

Southpaw Summer Breakout ‘87

Max Headlock's Arcade

The Mainframe

Neo-Osaka District 4

WWE 2K20 Create An Arena

As always, WWE 2K20 includes Create an Arena, with a wide array of about 50 Preset Stage Designs selectable as starting templates.

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