Similar to last year, Abilities in WWE 2K20 are divided in two categories: Standard Abilities and the new Payback Abilities introduced in WWE 2K19.
Abilities are not to be confused with Skills and OMG Moments, which are special scenario-specific moves that a Superstar can do.
In this page you find a full guide and list of all the WWE 2K20 Abilities and Paybacks available, with details on how to perform each of them. The newest additions are marked with "NEW".
WWE 2K20 Payback Abilities
The Payback System includes a set of special abilities designed to turn the tables on your opponent and change the momentum of the match. As you take damage during a match, a Payback Meter will fill until you unlock a Level 1 ability. If you wait longer, you'll earn a more powerful Level 2 ability.
Each Superstar can only have one Level 1 (Minor) and one Level 2 (Major) Payback ability assigned, and they can also be selected / customized on the fly from the Superstar Selection screen.
With the new WWE 2K20 Controls Scheme, to activate a Payback Ability you must hold R2 + Triangle on PlayStation 4, or RT + Y on Xbox One.
Last year, there were three Payback Overcharges (Beast Mode, Charged Fury, Electrifying) that were exclusive to MyPlayer. In WWE 2K20, these are now available for every Superstar is any game mode. Plus we also see the addition of three other unorthodox Paybacks.
Payback Level 1 (Minor Payback)
1. Auto-Reversal
Use this ability to automatically perform a minor reversal. You cannot use this ability to perform Major Reversals or reverse Signature and Finisher attacks. This does not consume a Reversal stock.
How To Perform: Hold R2 + Triangle / RT + Y before the attack is performed. No need to worry about the timing of your input or your reversal stock!
2. Possum
Play possum and catch your opponent off guard with a pin or attack.
How To Perform: Hold R2 / RT to enter a Possum state while supine, leaning against the ropes or cornered. Then press O / B to perform a pin, or press Triangle / Y to attack.
3. Speed Buff
This buff enhances your speed and agility. Additionally, it improves the rate at which you regenerate stamina and reversals.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y.
4. Fists Of Fury
This increases your striking power attributes. It also gives you a minor speed boost and improves striking reversals.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y.
5. Instant Recovery
Use this ability to instantly recover after being knocked down. This includes a minor speed boost.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y while in a downed state.
6. Reversal
Earn a Reversal stock.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y.
Payback Level 2 (Major Payback)
1. Finisher
Earn a Finisher.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y. Can only be used once per match.
2. Resiliency
Escape a Pin, Submission, or Elimination Mini-Game with ease.
How To Perform: Press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y during the mini-game to automatically escape.
3. Adrenaline Buff
Provides a modest boost to Adrenaline, allowing you to lift more weight while simultaneously increasing the amount of Momentum earned for performing lifting grapples.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y.
4. Tank Buff
Greatly increases Defense at the expense of your overall mobility.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y.
5. Low Blow
Perform a low blow from a standing or kneeling position. Risk of disqualification.
How To Perform: Press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y to initiate the Dirty Move timer. While active, press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y again to perform a Low Blow.
6. Poison Mist
Spit Poison Mist in your opponent's eyes. Risk of disqualification.
How To Perform: Press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y to initiate the Dirty Move timer. While active, press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y again to perform Poison Mist.
7. Power Of The Punch
Hit your opponent with brass knuckles. Ouch! Risk of disqualification.
How To Perform: Press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y to initiate the Dirty Move timer. While active, press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y again to perform Power of the Punch.
8. Run-In
Summon an ally down to ringside to help turn the tide. This ability is only valid in 1 vs. 1 Matches.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y while in a downed state inside the ring.
9. Move Thief
Use your opponent's own move-set to finish them off. How humiliating!
How To Perform: To activate, press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y.
10. Blackout
The lights go out. When they come back on, you appear behind your opponent to gain an advantage. This ability is only valid in 1 vs. 1 Matches.
How To Perform: To activate, press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y while both Superstars are inside the ring.
11. Fortify NEW
Summon a steel shell that makes you nearly invincible, while increasing your weight and damage.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y.
12. Beast Mode
Beast Mode enhances your grappling speed and damage. A golden glow highlights your arms when activated.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y.
13. Charged Fury
Charged Fury deals out big damage with a single punch. The longer your charge the strike, the more damage dealt. You fist radiates with power when fully charged.
How To Perform: Press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y to initiate the Charged Fury timer. While active, hold square / x to charge your strike. Once charged, press square / x again to perform the charged strike.
14. Electrifying
Use this ability to earn yourself a lot of momentum at a much faster rate. Electricity flows through your body.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y.
15. Rush NEW
Trigger an unstoppable charge attack! Each successful hit takes a finisher from your target.
How To Perform: Press R2 + Triangle / RT + Y to activate. While active, hold L2 / LT to charge at your opponents.
16. Hands of Fate NEW DLC: BITN
Summon the minions of the underworld to grab and hold your opponent in place.
How To Perform: To activate, hold R2 / RT and press Triangle / Y.
WWE 2K20 Standard Abilities
Similarly to previous years, in WWE 2K20 each ability in this category comes in three different levels, and each ability has a different effect on gameplay: some have an impact on stamina, some impact the kick-out gauge, and others impact the amount of damage you can inflict on your opponent.
In WWE 2K20, each Superstar can have up to 10 abilities assigned (so potentially all of them). There are no changes to abilities compared to last year.
1. Pin Combo
Allows Superstars to perform a pin immediately following certain attacks.
How To Perform: During an attack press O / B when prompted.
- LVL 1: The size of your opponent's kick-out gauge is reduced by 10%.
- LVL 2: The size of your opponent's kick-out gauge is reduced by 20%.
- LVL 3: The size of your opponent's kick-out gauge is reduced by 30%.
2. Rope Break
Affects the probability of the referee seeing the Rope Break during the first pin count and the momentum awarded.
How To Perform: If you get pinned close to the ropes, press O / B to trigger a Rope Break.
- LVL 1: 60% probabilty of referee seeing Rope Break. 15% momentum awarded if successful.
- LVL 2: 50% probabilty of referee seeing Rope Break. 45% momentum awarded if successful.
- LVL 3: 40% probabilty of referee seeing Rope Break. 75% momentum awarded if successful.
3. Dirty Pin
Pin your opponent with your feet on the ropes for added leverage.
How To Perform: Performed when your opponent is laying parallel to the ropes. Hold O when prompted.
- LVL 1: Decreases your opponent's kick out gauge by 20%. Probability that ref sees the dirty pin is 24%. Can be used once per match.
- LVL 2: Decreases your opponent's kick out gauge by 35%. Probability that ref sees the dirty pin is 34%. Can be used once per match.
- LVL 3: Decreases your opponent's kick out gauge by 50%. Probability that ref sees the dirty pin is 50%. Requires a Finisher. Can be used twice per match.
4. Technician
Lowers the Stamina cost for reversals.
How To Perform: This ability is always active.
- LVL 1: -10% Reversal Stamina cost
- LVL 2: -30% Reversal Stamina cost
- LVL 3: -50% Reversal Stamina cost
5. Teamwork
Damage inflicted by double team moves and Tag Team finishers is increased.
How To Perform: This ability is always active in Tag Team Matches
- LVL 1: Double Team Damage increased by 12%.
- LVL 2: Double Team Damage increased by 17%.
- LVL 3: Double Team Damage increased by 26%.
6. Fan Favorite
Increases the time window to complete a Superstar's Comeback Sequence.
How To Perform: This ability is always active as long as you have the Comeback skill.
- LVL 1: 16 seconds to complete the Comeback Sequence.
- LVL 2: 20 seconds to complete the Comeback Sequence.
- LVL 3: 25 seconds to complete the Comeback Sequence.
7. Immovable Object
Decreases the chance that a Superstar will fall to his knees when hit by a strong or running strike. Can only be used by Heavyweight and Super Heavyweight Superstars.
How To Perform: This ability is always active.
- LVL 1: Decreases the chance of falling by 40%.
- LVL 2: Decreases the chance of falling by 55%.
- LVL 3: Decreases the chance of falling by 65%.
8. Mouthpiece
A Superstar's manager will distract the referee and provide a Stamina Boost.
How To Perform: This ability is always active when a manager accompanies the Superstar.
- LVL 1: Small stamina boost (can be used 1 time before manager gets ejected)
- LVL 2: LVL 1 stamina boost + 50% (can be used 2 times before manager gets ejected)
- LVL 3: LVL 2 stamina boost + 50% (can be used 2 times before manager gets ejected)
9. Brawl (Promo Ability)
Attack the opponent during a Promo and transition into a Brawl.
How To Perform: Can be triggered by pressing R2 / RT during a promo. This has no effect during matches.
- LVL 1: The target's health can be reduced to 90%
- LVL 2: The target's health can be reduced to 85%
- LVL 3: The target's health can be reduced to 80%
10. Taunt (Promo Ability)
Eliminate the lowest scoring promo answers.
How To Perform: Can be triggered by pressing R1 / RB during a promo. This has no effect during matches.
- LVL 1: The promo answer with the lowest score will be removed. Can be used once per promo
- LVL 2: Two low score promo answers will be removed. Can be used once per promo.
- LVL 3: Three low score promo answers will be removed. Can be used once per promo.
For more WWE 2K20 Guides check out the complete Guides Section and the WWE 2K20 Roster Page!