Unlockable Characters

  1. Billy Gunn
  2. Bret Hart
  3. Brian Pillman
  4. British Bulldog
  5. Chris Jericho '01
  6. Col. Robert Parker
  7. D'Lo Brown
  8. Dude Love
  9. Ken Shamrock
  10. Kane '01
  11. Kama Mustafa
  12. Jim Neidhart
  13. Jake Roberts
  14. Honky Tonk Man
  15. Haku
  16. Faarooq
  17. Mankind
  18. Mark Henry '98
  19. Mikey Whipwreck
  20. Mr. McMahon '98
  21. Mr. McMahon
  22. Paul Wight
  23. Paul Bearer
  24. Ricky Steamboat
  25. Stunning Steve Austin
  26. Stone Cold '03
  27. Stone Cold '97
  28. Stephanie McMahon
  29. Shawn Michaels
  30. Shane McMahon
  31. Savio Vega
  32. Rikishi
  33. Superstar Steve Austin
  34. Ted DiBiase
  35. The Rock '03
  36. Triple H '01
  37. Undertaker '99
  38. Undertaker '01
  39. Vader
  40. X-Pac
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