On this page, you find the full wrestling profile of Katsuhisa Shibata, with his Career History, real name, age, height and weight, the Promotions he worked for, all the Face/Heel turns, the Championship Titles he won, his Finishers, Theme Songs, Tag Teams and Stables, his appearance changes through the years, and more.
Katsuhisa Shibata (柴田勝久) was born in Kuwana, Mie, Japan on December 6, 1943.
He died on January 16, 2010 at the age of 66.
As a referee, Shibata was known for being one of New Japan’s strictest no-nonsense officials.
Katsuhisa Shibata Profile Index
Profile Info
- Gender Male
- Real Name Katsuhisa Shibata (柴田勝久)
- Ring Names
- Katsuhisa Shibata ( December 25, 1971 - January 16, 2010)
- Shibata Yama ( June 5, 1970 - December 26, 1971)
- Katsuhisa Shibata ( October 12, 1966 - June 4, 1970)
- Mienoyama Masahisa ( September 1, 1963 - September 30, 1966)
- Tessen Shigeru ( May 1, 1961 - August 31, 1963)
- Shibata ( July 1, 1960 - April 30, 1961)
- Born December 6, 1943
- Died January 16, 2010 (aged 66)
- Nationality
- Birth Place Kuwana, Mie, Japan
- Billed From
- Kuwana, Mie, Japan
- Height 5 ft 11 in (180 cm)
- Weight
- 220 lbs (100 kg)
- Notes As a referee, Shibata was known for being one of New Japan’s strictest no-nonsense officials.
Career History
- Referee ( September 11, 2005 - January 16, 2010)
- Referee ( February 9, 1977 - June 25, 1999)
- Wrestler ( October 12, 1966 - February 9, 1977)
Promotions History
Promotion from to Promotion NJPW
February 9, 1977 June 25, 1999 Promotion NJPWBrand Junior Heavyweight
January 13, 1972 February 9, 1977 Promotion EMLL
June 5, 1970 December 26, 1971 Promotion JWA
January 8, 1968 March 3, 1970 Promotion IWE
January 5, 1967 January 31, 1967 -
Images History
Sep 2005Jan 1990Feb 1977Mar 1972Oct 1966 -
Face / Heel Turns
Alignment from to Tweener October 12, 1966 January 16, 2010
- Mexican Stretch ( October 12, 1966 - February 9, 1977)
Titles & Accomplishments
Teams & Relations
- Family
- Katsuyori Shibata - Son