On this page, you find the full wrestling profile of Jesús / Aaron Aguilera / Zodiac, with his Career History, real name, age, height and weight, the Promotions he worked for, all the Face/Heel turns, the Championship Titles he won, his Finishers, Theme Songs, Tag Teams and Stables, his appearance changes through the years, and more.
Aaron Jeffrey Aguilera was born in Orange County, California on February 28, 1977, and he is currently 48 years old.
Jesús / Aaron Aguilera / Zodiac Profile Index
Profile Info
- Gender Male
- Real Name Aaron Jeffrey Aguilera
- Ring Names
- Zodiac ( September 1, 2019 - September 1, 2019)
- Zodiac ( November 23, 2007 - September 23, 2012)
- Aaron Aguilera ( May 13, 2005 - July 31, 2019)
- Trumposo ( October 1, 2017 - February 6, 2018)
- Lujo Esquire ( June 6, 2010 - June 19, 2010)
- Jesús Aguilera ( April 14, 2007 - May 12, 2007)
- King Giraffa ( July 13, 2005 - September 10, 2005)
- Hardkore Kidd ( May 13, 2005 - June 17, 2006)
- Jesús ( October 7, 2004 - May 12, 2005)
- Barrabas The Prophesizer ( October 20, 2004 - October 20, 2004)
- Hardkore Kidd ( November 5, 1999 - October 6, 2004)
- Aaron Aguilera ( October 17, 2000 - October 6, 2004)
- Born February 28, 1977 (age 48)
- Nationality
United States
- Birth Place Orange County, California
- Billed From
- San Diego, California
- Height 6 ft 6 in (198 cm)
- Weight
- 242 lbs (110 kg)
Career History
- Wrestler ( November 5, 1999 - September 1, 2019)
- Manager ( October 7, 2004 - December 12, 2004)
Promotions History
Promotion from to Promotion W 1
September 1, 2019 September 1, 2019 Promotion INDY
July 20, 2005 June 19, 2019 Promotion W 1
September 8, 2013 September 22, 2013 Promotion AJPWBrand Heavyweight
November 23, 2007 September 23, 2012 Promotion HUSTLE
July 13, 2005 September 10, 2005 Promotion PWG
August 6, 2005 November 19, 2005 Promotion ZERO1 MAX
June 17, 2005 September 19, 2005 Promotion WWEBrand SmackDown
October 7, 2004 May 12, 2005 Promotion OVW
October 20, 2004 October 20, 2004 Promotion INDY
November 5, 1999 June 12, 2004 Promotion PWG
July 26, 2003 May 22, 2004 -
Images History
Sep 2013Nov 2007Oct 2004Nov 1999 -
Face / Heel Turns
Alignment from to Heel November 5, 1999 September 1, 2019 -
Card Positions
Status Details from to SD Low Card October 7, 2004 May 12, 2005
- Sitdown Chokeslam ( November 5, 1999 - September 1, 2019)
- Montezuma's Revenge - Gorilla Press Slam ( November 5, 1999 - September 1, 2019)
- South of the Border - Diving Leg Drop ( November 5, 1999 - September 1, 2019)
Theme Songs
- Theme Song "Cool" by Jim Johnston - with Carlito - Team ( October 7, 2004 - December 12, 2004)
Titles & Accomplishments
All Pro Wrestling Los Angeles / Golden State Championship Wrestling
- 2 APW LA/GSCW Heavyweight Championship
Alternative Wrestling Show
- 1 AWS Tag Team Championship (with Al Katrazz)
Empire Wrestling Federation
- 1 EWF Heavyweight Championship
Pro Wrestling WAR
- 1 PWW Heavyweight Championship
Ultimate Pro Wrestling
- 4 UPW Tag Team Championship (3 with Justin Sane, 1 with Al Katrazz)
Other Accomplishments
- AJPW January 2 Korakuen Hall Heavyweight Battle Royal Winner (2009)
- GSCW Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner (2002)
- HCW Incredible 8 Tournament Winner (2006)
Teams & Relations
Tag Teams & Stables
- Joe Doering & Zodiac - Joe Doering ( September 8, 2012 - September 23, 2012)
- F4 - Friend, Fight, Fan & Future - Satoshi Kojima , KAI, Hiroshi Yamato ( September 14, 2009 - February 7, 2010)
- Voodoo Murders - TARU / Yoshikazu Taru, Satoshi Kojima, Joe Doering, Shawn Daivari, Lance Archer, Nobukazu Hirai, Shuji Kondo, Silver King / Black Tiger III , "brother" Yasshi, Toshizo, Michael Faith ( August 18, 2007 - September 13, 2009)
- Voodoo Towers - Joe Doering ( November 22, 2008 - August 30, 2009)
- Los Pochos Guapos - Kaos ( November 22, 2016 - March 23, 2007)
- The Disciples of Synn - Kevin Thorn / Mordecai ( October 20, 2004 - October 20, 2004)
- Hardkore Inc. - Al Katrazz ( January 8, 2003 - May 1, 2004)
- Hardkore Inc. - Adam Pearce , Al Katrazz, Kid Vicious ( March 14, 2001 - March 20, 2004)
- Managed Wrestlers Carlito