On this page, you find the full wrestling profile of B.B. / Taylor Vaughn / Papaya, with her Career History, real name, age, height and weight, the Promotions she worked for, all the Face/Heel turns, the Championship Titles she won, her Finishers, Theme Songs, Tag Teams and Stables, her appearance changes through the years, and more.
Katherine Dingman was born in New York City, New York on December 9, 1970, and she is currently 54 years old.
B.B. / Taylor Vaughn / Papaya Profile Index
Profile Info
- Gender Female
- Real Name Katherine Dingman
- Ring Names
- Miss B ( April 19, 2008 - April 20, 2008)
- Taylor Vaughn ( June 19, 2002 - August 7, 2002)
- Papaya ( August 7, 2000 - August 14, 2000)
- B.B. ( October 7, 1999 - February 10, 2000)
- Barbara Bush ( October 7, 1999 - February 10, 2000)
- Cosuin Brandy Mae ( March 14, 1998 - October 6, 1999)
- Born December 9, 1970 (age 54)
- Nationality
United States
- Birth Place New York City, New York
- Billed From
- New York
- Height 5 ft 9 in (175 cm)
- Weight
- 147 lbs (67 kg)
Career History
- Part Time Wrestler ( April 19, 2008 - April 20, 2008)
- Part Time Wrestler ( June 19, 2002 - August 7, 2002)
- Manager ( March 14, 1998 - August 14, 2000)
Promotions History
Promotion from to Promotion NWE
April 19, 2008 April 20, 2008 Promotion NWA TNA
June 19, 2002 August 7, 2002 Promotion WCW
August 7, 2000 August 14, 2000 Promotion WWF
October 7, 1999 February 10, 2000 -
Images History
Jun 2002Aug 2000Mar 1998 -
Face / Heel Turns
Alignment from to Heel June 19, 2002 August 7, 2002 Heel March 14, 1998 August 14, 2000
Theme Songs
- Theme Song "Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls" by Dale Oliver - Single ( June 19, 2002 - August 7, 2002)
- Theme Song "Light & Shade" by Jim Johnston - Single ( January 23, 2000 - February 10, 2000)
- Theme Song "Used Up" by Jim Johnston - Single ( December 12, 1999 - January 22, 2000)
Titles & Accomplishments
Other Accomplishments
- First Miss TNA (2002)