Here you can find all SVR 2011 DLC Packs details, including the list of DLC Superstars and release dates.
SmackDown vs Raw 2011 DLC Packs List:
Bret Hart Pre-Order Bonus Pack
Release Date: Available at Launch
DLC PACK #1: Online Axxess
Release Date: Available at Launch
It will be free of charge with the videogame through a back of manual code for first-time purchasers. Second-time buyers can also purchase the content via Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for Xbox 360 at an anticipated cost of 800 Microsoft Points, as well as on PlayStation®Network for an anticipated cost of $9.99. It will feature:
- Chris Masters
- Kelly Kelly “Devil” Halloween-Themed Attire
- Rey Mysterio “Dia de los Muertos” Halloween-Themed Attire
- Online Axxess (includes Online multiplayer, WWE Community Creations)
The second DLC Pack (560 Xbox 360 Microsoft Points - $6.99 on PlayStation®Network) will come out on holidays and it will feature:
- British Bulldog
- Lex Luger (All American Attire)
- Wade Barrett
- David Otunga
- Justin Gabriel
- Layla
- Shad Alt. Attire (Current)
- Shawn Michaels Alt. Attire (WrestleMania 8 Hearts)
- NXT Arena
The third and final DLC Pack (240 Xbox 360 Microsoft Points - $2.99 on PlayStation®Network) will come out in February 2011. Content:
- John Cena's Alt. Attire (Purple)
- The Undertaker's Alt. Attire (American Badass)
- CM Punk's Alt. Attire (S.E.S. Mask)
- Sheamus Alt. Attire
- WCW Arena
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2011 All Unlockables
Don't feel like playing through the entire game to unlock the more than 60 unlockables including Superstars, Legends, Divas, alternate attires, arenas, championship titles, and more? Purchase this item to get all this great unlockable content right now. Note: This purchasable item is included in the Fan Axxess premium content purchase. Check out the Fan Axxess item in the store for a discount on this great content.
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2011 Superstar Attribute Customizer
Decide the overall rankings and attribute levels of every WWE Superstar, Legend, and Diva in the game with this purchasable item. If you think we didn't get the overall ratings right, then you can take control and customize them yourself. Note: This purchasable item is included in the Fan Axxess premium content purchase. Check out the Fan Axxess item in the store for a discount on this great content.
WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2011 Fan Axxess
Fan Axxess is premium content for the ultimate WWE fan. With its purchase you get the All Unlockables and WWE Superstar Attribute Customizer store items and a special customizable Online Ranking Fan Axxess badge. Fan Axxess is also a discounted pre-payment for all future WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2011 downloadable content. Please note: This purchase does not include Online Axxess or WWE Legend Bret Hart. Visit wwe.thq.com for more details.
Are retailer exclusives, such as Bret Hart and the Undertaker "Ministry of Darkness Attire" available through Fan Axxess?
Access to Bret Hart will not be included in the Fan Axxess program. However, following all retail programs, access is expected at a TBD price point for both Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network.