The Miz
The Miz is featured as a playable character in the WWE SuperCard Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster.
The Miz first debuted in the WWE SuperCard Roster during the Season 1 of the game.
- Gender Male
- Roster WWE Superstar
- Debut in Season Season 1
- Main Series Debut
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
- First Game
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
- Real Life Profile The Miz
Active Cards (S2, S3, S4, S5)
supercard the miz christmas s8 44 valhalla
Themiz - CommonThemiz - common
SuperCard TheMiz 1 Common Fusion
Themiz - UncommonThemiz - uncommon
Themiz - RareThemiz - rare
Themiz - Rare (loyalty)Themiz - rare (loyalty)
Themiz - SuperrareThemiz - superrare
Themiz - Superrare (loyalty)Themiz - superrare (loyalty)
Themiz - UltrarareThemiz - ultrarare
The Miz - Ultra Rare (loyalty)The miz - ultra rare (loyalty)
Themiz - EpicThemiz - epic
Themiz - LegendaryThemiz - legendary
Themiz - WrestlemaniaThemiz - wrestlemania
The Miz - SummerslamSuperCard TheMiz R10 SummerSlam
supercard themiz s10 detention
supercard themiz s10 inferno
supercard themiz s10 noir
supercard themiz s10 royalrumble24
supercard themiz s10 ss24
supercard themiz s11 feral
supercard themiz s11 legion
supercard themiz s11 rr25
SuperCard TheMiz S3 11 Hardened SmackDown
SuperCard TheMiz S3 12 Elite SmackDown
SuperCard TheMiz S3 13 Ultimate SmackDown
supercard themiz s8 arcane
supercard themiz s9 myth
supercard themiz s9 octane8
supercard themiz s9 summerslam23
supercard themiz s9 wrestlemania39
supercard themiz specialedition s9 royalrumble23
SuperCard TheMiz MITB S7 38 RoyalRumble21
SuperCard TheMiz S3 13 Ultimate Christmas
SuperCard TheMiz S3 14 WrestleMania33
SuperCard TheMiz S3 14 WrestleMania33 Valentine
SuperCard TheMiz S3 15 SummerSlam17
SuperCard TheMiz S3 15 SummerSlam17 Fusion
SuperCard TheMiz S4 16 Beast
SuperCard TheMiz S4 17 Monster
SuperCard TheMiz S4 17 Monster BeachBash
SuperCard TheMiz S4 18 Titan
SuperCard TheMiz S4 18 Titan RingDom
SuperCard TheMiz S4 19 WrestleMania34
SuperCard TheMiz S4 20 Goliath
SuperCard TheMiz S4 20 Goliath Halloween
SuperCard TheMiz S5 22 Gothic Fusion
SuperCard TheMiz S5 23 Neon7
SuperCard TheMiz S5 23 Neon Summer
SuperCard TheMiz S5 24 Shattered
SuperCard TheMiz S5 25 WrestleMania35
SuperCard TheMiz S5 26 Cataclysm
SuperCard TheMiz S5 27 SummerSlam19 Fusion
SuperCard TheMiz S6 28 Nightmare
SuperCard TheMiz S6 29 Primal
SuperCard TheMiz S6 30 Vanguard
SuperCard TheMiz S6 30 Vanguard Valentine
SuperCard TheMiz S6 31 RoyalRumble MITB
SuperCard TheMiz S6 32 WrestleMania36
SuperCard TheMiz S6 33 Elemental
SuperCard TheMiz S6 34 SummerSlam20
SuperCard TheMiz S7 38 RoyalRumble21
SuperCard TheMiz S7 41 SummerSlam21
SuperCard TheMiz SummerSlam18
SuperCard The Miz S7 35 BioMech
SuperCard The Miz S7 36 Swarm
SuperCard The Miz S7 37 Behemoth
SuperCard The Miz S7 39 WrestleMania37
SuperCard The Miz S8 42 Mire
SuperCard The Miz S8 43 Maelstrom
Legacy Cards (Season 1)
SuperCard TheMiz 01 Common
SuperCard TheMiz 02 Uncommon
SuperCard TheMiz 03 Rare
SuperCard TheMiz 04 SuperRare
SuperCard TheMiz 05 UltraRare
SuperCard TheMiz 05 UltraRare Fusion
SuperCard TheMiz 07 Legendary
SuperCard TheMiz 08 Survivor
SuperCard TheMiz 09 WrestleMania
SuperCard TheMiz 09 WrestleMania PCC