List of Current Champions in ROH on March 24, 2025

On this page you find the full list of current champions in Ring of Honor (ROH) as of today, March 24, 2025, along with their reign duration, as well as the date and event in which they won each title.

The list includes all the 7 championships currently active in ROH across every division.

You can use the buttons below see the current champions from specific promotions.

Current ROH Champions: Full List

ROH World Championship

ROH World Championship
Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho


ROH World Television Championship

ROH World Television Championship



ROH World Tag Team Championship

ROH World Tag Team Championship
Dustin Rhodes
Sammy Guevara

The Sons of TexasDustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara


ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship
Dustin Rhodes
Marshall von Erich
Ross von Erich

The Sons of TexasDustin Rhodes, Marshall von Erich & Ross von Erich


ROH Women's World Championship

ROH Women's World Championship



ROH Women's World Television Championship

ROH Women's World Television Championship
Red Velvet

Red Velvet


ROH Pure Championship

ROH Pure Championship
Lee Moriarty

Lee Moriarty


Clicking on each championship brings you to its full details, the Belt Design changes through the years, and the full list of Title Reigns, along with reign durations, statistics, and more information.

Also check out our complete Pro Wrestlers Database, which allows you to travel through time and see every promotion's Roster and Champions by Year or even by any specific Date in history!

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