Xavier Woods '21 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster in the Modern Era.

Xavier Woods '21 is classed as a Striker in the game.


[He replaces Eater of Worlds Bray Wyatt.]

Legit pop-culture phenoms, Xavier Woods and The New Day proved their place in sports-entertainment history by setting the record for the longest Tag Team Championship reign in WWE history. They also released their own Booty-O’s cereal, hosted WrestleMania and brought some much-needed magic and wonder back to WWE.

SPECIALS: Honor Roll, Headscissors Takedown, Jumping Enzuigiri, Springboard Tornado DDT, Jumping Hook Kick, Discus Punch, Spinebuster

FINISHER: Lost in the Woods

TAG LINKS: Modern Era, The New Day

Xavier Woods: OVR Rating Evolution

  • 80'25
  • 78'24
  • 88'23
  • 86'22
  • 85'20
  • 83'19
  • 83'18
  • 83'17
  • 83'16
  • 80'15

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