Velveteen Dream is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster in the Modern Era.

Velveteen Dream is classed as a Chaotic Powerhouse in the game.


Despite his over-the-top behavior, once the bell rings, The Velveteen Dream's handiwork becomes practical and punishing, and any Superstar who lets down his guard against him would be falling for a mirage. His name might be The Velveteen Dream, but to face him in action is the stuff of nightmares.

SPECIALS: Spinning Spinebuster, Jackhammer, Dream Valley Driver, Neckbreaker, Twisting Springboard Forearm Smash, Running Powerslam
FINISHER: Purple Rainmaker
TAG LINK: Modern Era

Velveteen Dream: OVR Rating Evolution

  • 81'20
  • 80'19

Velveteen Dream Games Appearances (6)

WWE Main Series (2/25)

Other Games (4)

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