Shotzi is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Modern Era.
Shotzi is classed as a Acrobat in the game.
- Gender Female
- Nickname / Version Eat My Tank
- Era Modern Era
- Superstar Class Acrobat
- Superstar Tier B Tier
- Promoter Trainer
- Main Series Debut
WWE 2K22
- First Game
WWE SuperCard
- Real Life Profile Shotzi Blackheart
There’s no chance too big for Shotzi to take, and that spells bad news for her opponents. Indestructible and bad-to-the-bone, Shotzi rides to the ring on a tank, setting the tone for her matches: She won't get pushed around and her opponents will end up crushed. If you're not with Shotzi, move out of the way, or you will eat her tank.
SPECIALS: Midsection Double Leg Drop, Sling Blade, Cutter, Springboard Bulldog, Question Mark Kick
FINISHERS: Diving Senton. Cloverleaf, Inverted Cloverleaf
TAG LINKS: Modern Era, SmackDown