Sasha Banks '19 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Modern Era.
Sasha Banks '19 is classed as a Focused Showboat in the game.
- Gender Female
- Nickname / Version The Boss
- Era Modern Era
- Superstar Class Showboat
- Ability Style Focused
- Alt. Attire Raw '19
- Alt. Character
Sasha BanksSasha Banks '17Sasha Banks '18 (Zombie)Sasha Banks '19
- Main Series Debut
WWE 2K17
- First Game
WWE SuperCard
- Real Life Profile Sasha Banks / Mercedes Moné
An independent wrestler out of Boston, Banks worked her way through various promotions before finally getting a foot in the door in WWE NXT. Eventually, the quiet but talented young woman found her voice, and The Boss was born. Since then, Banks hasn't looked back for a second, though she turned plenty of heads throughout her astounding rise to dominance as one of Full Sail's "Four Horsewomen."
SPECIALS: Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors, Bulldog, Hurricanrana, Cutthroat Neckbreaker, Lou Thesz Press
FINISHERS: Frog Splash, Camel Clutch
TAG LINKS: Modern Era, SmackDown, Team B.A.D., Boss 'n' Hug Connection, The Dogg Pound, Women Superstars, WrestleMania 35, WrestleMania 36