• Women

Naomi '16 is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster in the Reality Era.

Naomi '16 is classed as a Defensive Acrobat in the game.


As the second-highest cause of whiplash behind car accidents, Naomi first turned heads as a dancer for the NBA's Orlando Magic and hip-hop stars like Flo Rida. These talents would take her around the world, as Naomi performed everywhere from North Korea to Indonesia. Despite all that success, Naomi's dance steps couldn’t satisfy her competitive spirit, which is how she found herself as a contestant on WWE NXT. Despite being eliminated in the final week of her season, Naomi soon launched into orbit around Planet Funk, as one half of The Funkadactyls. From there, she broke out on her own, determined to take WWE by storm.

SPECIALS: Hurricanrana, Moonsault, Running Hip Attack, Roundhouse Kick, Coup de Grâce
FINISHERS: Headscissors Takedown, Feel the Glow
TAG LINKS: Reality Era (Formerly Modern Era), RAW, Team B.A.D., Anoa'i/Maivia Legacy, Women Superstars, WrestleMania 36

Naomi: OVR Rating Evolution

  • 85'25
  • 79'22
  • 77'20
  • 82'19
  • 85'18
  • 73'17
  • 79'16
  • 80'15

Naomi Games Appearances (16)

WWE Main Series (8/25)

Other Games (6)

Others as NPC (2)

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