• Legend

Mr. T is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the Legend roster in the Legends Era.

Mr. T is classed as a Chaotic Striker in the game.


  • Gender Male
  • Roster Legend
  • Nickname / Version T
  • Era Legends Era
  • Superstar Class Striker
  • Ability Style Chaotic
  • Alt. Character
    Clubber Lang
    Clubber Lang
    Mr. T
    Mr. T
  • Main Series Debut
    Mr. T
    WWE 2K22
  • First Game
    Mr. T
    WWE SuperCard
  • Real Life Profile Mr. T

This mother-loving WWE Hall of Famer has recently gone on to appear in WWE Mayhem, and WWE SuperCard as himself, but has also appeared in Creed: Rise To Glory, Rocky: Legends, the 1987 Rocky game, the 2002 Rocky games for consoles and the Gameboy Advance, the 2007 Rocky Balboa game, the 1983 Rocky board game, and Rocky Super Action Boxing as Rocky bad guy James "Clubber" Lang. He is the first non-wrestler celebrity to appear in WWE Champions!

Few men in history have bridged the gap between the world of professional wrestling and pop culture quite like Mr. T. Pitying fools from the South Side of Chicago all the way to Madison Square Garden, the man born Laurence Tureaud anchored the very first WrestleMania in 1985 and helped create some of the most iconic moments from the organization's early days.

I pity the fools who take my SPECIALS: Bodyslam, Arm Drag, K.O. Punch, Fireman's Carry Front Slam, Atomic Drop, Running Clothesline

I pity the fools who take my FINISHER: Leg Drop

I pity the fools who dares to challenge me and my TAG LINKS: Legends Era, Hulk Hogan & Mr. T

Mr. T: OVR Rating Evolution

  • 84'22

Mr. T Games Appearances (4)

WWE Main Series (1/25)

Other Games (3)

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