Mr. McMahon is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster in the Ruthless Aggression.

Mr. McMahon is classed as a Focused Trickster in the game.


Mr. McMahon has been blown up, buried beneath an exploding stage, shaved bald and revealed as Hornswoggle's illegitimate father. He's given away millions of his own money, locked lips with Rikishi's posterior and withstood the pain of being relieved of his day-to-day duties by his own son-in-law, Triple H, and WWE's Board of Directors. Whether in the boardroom or the ring, this titan of industry is belligerent, cocky and always spoiling for a fight... and dammit, WWE fans respect him for it.

SPECIALS: Attitude Adjustment, Pedigree, Spear, Corporate Elbow, Corporate Leg Drop

FINISHERS: McMahon Stunner, Chokehold

TAG LINKS: Ruthless Aggression, McMahon-Helmsley Regime, The Authority, The Corporation, WrestleMania 22

Mr. McMahon: OVR Rating Evolution

  • 76'23
  • 76'22
  • 73'20
  • 73'19
  • 74'18
  • 76'17
  • 84'16
  • 81'14
  • 81'13
  • 79'12
  • 83'11
  • 84'10
  • 84'09
  • 88'08
  • 64'04

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